Google's Open Source Browser: Google Chrome

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Walking, since 2004.
The thing with Chrome taking good features from all browsers is a classic example of:

Fools build the houses, the wise live in them.



Debian Gnu/Linux User
i dont konw why the peoples are saying chrome is better than ff & opera.

in my usage, chrome is an average performer...
i did not see any better features and performances than provided by ff & opera.
and i dont like its childish user interface.

i think, google fans are just made a buil-up for chrome..

can anyone tell the features /performances of chrome over ff and opera more specifically..???


Walking, since 2004.
I find it way lighter on my office laptop than Firefox or Opera do. Plus the interface is very light. Also, the fact that I can open my mail with two taps on the touchpad makes it even better.

The fact that it takes good things from all browsers and puts it together in ONE browser makes it that much better for me.

Yesterday, I was surfing while writing an important mail. I landed up on a site that hung the tab. However, I could safely continue writing my mail on the other tab. Try doing that on IE or Safari or Firefox or whatever.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Chrome is really light, and the interface is free from the usual clutter of items. And instead of having a separate menu bar, there are just two buttons and everything can be accessed via these buttons. But still, I stick to FF because there aren't add ons for Chrome. There are some, but really, these are way too small in number. So until there are many good add ons for Chrome, I'm sticking to FF.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Chrome does hav features of all..but still hasn't given anything wich makes me wanna quit FF3 and switch to Chrome
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