Google Knol-watch out Wikipedia

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In the zone
Google's answer to wikipedia-Google Knol

“Knol”, just announced a the official Google blog, is a currently private, invitation-only knowledge sharing service. Google says that a Knol is a “unit of knowledge,"* and in the style of the old-school website, experts are invited to the service to write an introductory article on a subject of their expertise. Google wants to provide all the tools to write this, and host the content and so on, so that experts can focus just on the content. Then, ad revenues those pages generate can be shared.

its invitation only at the moment..

Source: *


but then google can invest more into it and make it really superb and correct flaws of wikipedia ..!

good for us... another option ..!!

Good to see Google in wiki.
I use wikipedia and Microsoft encarta for online study...

But I am scared..Google may fill half page with adsense code. :D


Dragon Reborn
At the discretion of the author, a knol may include ads. If an author chooses to include ads, Google will provide the author with substantial revenue share from the proceeds of those ads.

it will be full of ads!!
no doubt

Source: *


Super Moderator
Staff member
If Google displays the Knol articles above Wikipedia articles in Google Searches, then Wikimedia Foundation may sue Google.

But if it contains Ads, then people may like to remain with Wikipedia.
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