ganged vs. unganged mode


In the zone
hey guys! as you all know i have upgraded my desktop, i have a question. when i boot up i see ddr3 unganged after startup. what are ganged and unganged and which one is better? read somewhere that ganged means dual channel setup. how do i swith between them?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Just run them unganged. Better for multi-threaded apps.

Ganged and unganged is NOT related to dual-channel at all. Just for your information, you are running unganged dual-channel.


Tux Fan
Quoting another forum:
It is amd's version of Nvidia's Locked vs unlocked architecture.

basically allowing you to use your ram in dual channel vs single channel.

Ganged = dual channel mode for ram. All cores get access to 100% of the ram.

unganged = single channel. Each core gets access to a stick of ram.

In theory, the unganged mode is better as each core will get access to data quicker. In theory.
Source: Ganged vs. Unganged Mode - -

Some more tests: *


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ what you've quoted is wrong.

From the same thread:

Its not a case of the options switching you from Dual to Single channel at all.

Its is an option that affects how the memory is addressed by the CPU.

When running ganged mode your memory controller will operate in 128-bit mode. This has the benefit of giving the whole CPU a massive memory bandwidth. When handling one application that greatly benefits from higher memory performance this is the option you want to be sticking with.

Unganged basically will split that 128-bit memory bus into 2 x 64-bit, so you will essentially have two memory buses. Because of this, Unganged is particularly useful If you are a heavy multitasker, as you are packing 2 memory controllers effectively.

It will not force single or dual channel setups. Your memory will always be dual channel regardless of which configuration you choose.

It is simply a case of how you wish your system to be tuned. If you are using your PC for a live audio take, handling multiple tracks, then ganged will benefit you with the higher memory bandwidth.

If you are wanting to do some encoding of some movies while you have a quick blast on CS:S, however, go with unganged, as then one half of the memory controller will be dedicated to each running app.
^^ this post is correct - *
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