Fs : Xfx 8600 Gt, Xbox 360, 19" Lcd Lg

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All products are four months old. All carry a three year manufacturer warranty.

8600 GT - 256 MB DDR3 , PCIE. Seeking Rs. 6000
XBOX - Core system, Bundle includes Gears of War and Burnout Revenge original disks, two wired controllers, 64 MB memory card and a HD VGA cable to connect to monitor. Seeking Rs. 17000.
19" LCD - normal aspect, not widescreen. Seeking Rs. 10000.
XBOX and LCD can be bundled for Rs. 26000.

Shipping in Calicut.
Those interested reply here since PMs are not readily noticed.


Coming back to life ..
Hmm... Not to crap up your thread but one of friend just bought a new 19" Viewsonic WS tft for 10240 from Chroma ..

And please quote your location when creating a new bazaar thread .. Best of luck for your deal . ..


true... lg had an advert where it was selling 19" lcd's for 9600 or sumthn...
you should reconsider your prices if you really wanna sell your stuff...


Unmountable Boot Volume
Not intending to crap your thread but the prices you have quoted are really unrealistic comparing the market prices today. You need to consider a decrease of atleast 15%-20% in the pricing.


Sreejith: what more would you like to know? Basic questions about the 360 can be answered best by a google search. Anything else, let me know.


XBOX bundle on auction, starting at Rs. 15000 (only).
Bundle includes,
XBox 360 core console 4 months old, 8 months warranty remains,
64 MB memory stick,
2 wired controllers,
2 games - gears of war and burnout revenge,
High Def VGA cable to connect to PC

Present price of the bundle would be about Rs. 25000.
Shipping in Kerala only.


i am ready to buy ur 8600GT card.....but price ur mentioning is abv current mkt value........try reducing it.........and upload the pic of ur card and bill too

if u r interested to sell


Not selling 8600. Just the XBOX. Anyone? Just state a price you find attractive, we can start off from there.


Broken In
Not intending to crap your thread but the prices you have mentioned are too high.

You can get 2 carat solitaire diamonds and a slave for life for the prices you have mentioned. Please reconsider. In fact, I saw a 1 carat diamond at only half the price!

- For the people who don't get it, here are the sarcasm tags. <sarcasm></sarcasm>

Really, if you don't want to crap another's thread, there's a simpler option than posting in it. Don't.


Interesting post. Phoenix.
One, your post is too late in the day. A lot of Iraqis have died since the fact that the items are overpriced was made known.
Two, a person regularly tracking solitaire diamond and slave prices surely has to be in far away South Africa.
Three, your statement leads me to conclude that you are a rich & decadent female, with one too many servants at home.

Thanks for making the thread interesting - seriously, non sarcastically.

And in other news....
XBOX bundle starting price now 14000. Anyone?
Additions to the list : Athlon 64 939 pin 3000+ and 2 modules of 256 DDR 400. Bundled for 2500.


Broken In

I try and defend you on your post and you attack me? :)

One, I have no clue what you are talking about here. Iraqis dying? The items? Which items? When was it known? What was known? No clue what you are talking about.
Two, your wannabe psycho-analysis is wrong here. In fact, just looking at the space below my avatar tells you where I am.
Three, my statements lead you to conclude nothing of the sort. For all you know, I could be a poor, unemployed guy pining for those things which I have mentioned. It is our desires which we see everywhere, not things we already have. Things we already have, we tire of too soon.
If anything, what must have made you conclude about the "rich" part would have been the list of systems in my sig.
If I was really rich, I wouldn't be selling a stick of ram in another thread for a 1000 measly bucks :D

You're welcome - seriously, I mean it :)

The price for the Xbox with the 2 games is quite decent. I would buy it if I was looking for a core system, although what I actually am looking for is the premium one. Your advantage is that you have an Indian bought system, with an Indian warranty.
If you see the stats in the news, the X360 has a very high rate of failure (those 3 red LEDs). Thus, if someone has his US system go bad here, from experience I know that it has to be shipped out of the country as they simpy refuse to fix it here.

What you should also mention is the warranty status and the age of the Athlon and ram.



The Iraqi reference is similar to the phrase " a lot of water has flown down the (put favourite river name here)" to denote the passage of time.

On a serious note, the difference between a Core and Premium XBOX is the presence of a hard disk, remote and HD cable in the latter. These can be independently bought, if necessary. Check their individual prices at ebay.in or jjmehta.com or computerwarehousepricelist.com.
I believe the 20 GB hard disk is needed only if one intends to download demos for free from XBOX live. The remote is a pure waste of money. It is blasphemous to use the XBOX as a media player. The HD cable that comes with the premium can only do DVD resolutions, that is inadequate to figure out what the menu text is.
So, the bundle I am offering is more intelligently assembled.

Let me know if you are interested. We can negotiate the price, since I am interested in the RAM you have on offer.

The Athlon and RAM are about a year old. So two years warranty remains in both.


Broken In
It's my cousin who wants it, really. Let me ask him tomorrow and I'll let you know. Will you charge extra for shipping to Delhi? If so, how much?

Actually, the hard drive is quite useful as without a hard drive, you can't use Xbox Live, save your games, or play original Xbox titles. Can you save games to the 64MB memory card? But I guess it won't allow for many saves..
I don't much care if the controllers are wired or wireless.

But the problem is that my cousin has a normal TV, so I will definitely need Composite/Component cables. Can I buy them separately and attach them?

Just as a clarification: Your xbox is an Indian bought one, with an Indian warranty, right? And its unmodded, right?
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NP : Crysis
PhoenixAG said:
Not intending to crap your thread but the prices you have mentioned are too high.

You can get 2 carat solitaire diamonds and a slave for life for the prices you have mentioned. Please reconsider. In fact, I saw a 1 carat diamond at only half the price!

- For the people who don't get it, here are the sarcasm tags. <sarcasm></sarcasm>

Really, if you don't want to crap another's thread, there's a simpler option than posting in it. Don't.

^+1...gr8 post. some ppl definitely need to read this one....


XBOX live is also accessible without the hard drive. And a hard drive is not needed to play original games. It will be needed to download demos from XBOX since these easily run into the 100's of MBs. You will also need a broadband connection since the console only offers a LAN port for internet connectivity.
The 64 MB card can save a lot of games, depending on the data per save. For example, the Gears of War DVD says that it requires 1 MB for game saving.
I have the Indian version. And it's unmodded. Modding is best done after the warranty expires.
The core system comes with composite cables as part of the package. But from experience, it is hard to make out the text when viewing on the TV (besides viewing the TV for long periods is harmful). It is much better to plug it to the monitor with the HD VGA cable I am bundling. Playing on the monitor allows for higher resolutions (upto 1280 * 1024) which is more fun, and the rest of the family will not complain since the TV is free.

Shipping to Delhi will be extra. I'll have to check with local post office regarding this.
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Broken In
Thanks xbonez :D Maybe we can sticky it, as I think half the posts in this forum are comprised of this stuff or similar to it only.

htnakirs: Thanks. I understand the differences. I am planning to use my own component cables with it. Let me tell you in a few days.


PhoenixAG said:
htnakirs: Thanks. I understand the differences. I am planning to use my own component cables with it. Let me tell you in a few days.

You can't use your OWN component cables, Phoenix. Remember, this is Microsoft, the king of propreitary stuff. The cable has to be bought from MS itself, and should cost about Rs. 2000.
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