firefox trouble

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Broken In
In the task manager,i always find the firefox.exe running.Even whwn i end the process manually it starts automatically after 2 or 3 secs
But i am able to launh firfox fro desktop icon witout getting the error that says a fifrefox process is already running.Please help me


Livin' in the ghetto
You are able to launch Firefox so where is the problem ...?

Though I am not sure but my understanding is that Firefox keeps itself loaded in memory at all time so it opens faster than IE but utilizes more resources. Thats probably why it's always up there.

In case you are facing issue's with killing the Firefox Process then try this :

Create a Kill Firefox.bat file.

1. Open up notepad.exe

2. Paste in taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe

3. Save file as Kill Firefox.bat

4. Create a shortcut to the file or drop it in your quick launch bar

Now, surf the net, when Firefox hangs just click your new icon or press your shortcut and Firefox is gone. Reopen Firefox and restore your sessions or start a new session. If it doesn’t open Kill Firefox.bat one more time and all is good.

Source: *


Broken In
ok now i have found that there are 2 firefox.exe processes running when mozilla firefox is opened and only one when i exit the browser


Broken In
mukilan said:
ok now i have found that there are 2 firefox.exe processes running when mozilla firefox is opened and only one when i exit the browser

Thats Strange! Never heard abt 2 firefox processes running at the same time!
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