FIFA 14 Next Gen not coming to PC


Ambassador of Buzz
EA has confirmed that the next gen FIFA 14 powered by the new ignite engine will only be released for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.:shock:
This comes as a very shocking and disappointing news for all the FIFA fans who play the game on PC as the changes made by the ignite engine are looking quite significant. No matter what EA says this decision is a marketing one to push the sales of new consoles because most of the PCs in the market today are powerful enough to handle this 'next gen' title.


^IIRC then FIFA 14 will be coming to PC, but it won't be using the new Ignite Engine, i.e. it will run on the smae engine as FIFA13.


I see many people complaining about th graphics in FIFA , and saying that it is the same as previous year. You should know, FIFA was never about the graphics, in fact it is deliberately kept low level so that people with older machines are able to play as well.

And about gameplay, only those who actually play FIFA enthusiastically would notice the subtle yet significant differences in the latest version, so much so that it's hard to play at the same level of expertise without any practice ( what I mean is, someone who plays FIFA 12 regularly might still find it hard to play ad well in FIFA 13 in the first few attempts, owing to new small features like first touch and more aggresive defending )


Umm... so FIFA 14 wont use ignite engine for support of older PCs? AFIK next gen console is a low powered AMD 7670 driven. (could be wrong). Which is a pretty medium lvl card. Am sure most people who buy Fifa 14 would be having a half decent gaming PC with an equivalent or higher card.
General question though, does Ignite affect gameplay as well, or just the visual rendering?
Saw the title and said WTF!!! But then saw the comments and yes I'm relieved. I moving from hostel to flat so that I can take a broadband connection and play fifa online.

I see many people complaining about th graphics in FIFA , and saying that it is the same as previous year. You should know, FIFA was never about the graphics, in fact it is deliberately kept low level so that people with older machines are able to play as well.

And about gameplay, only those who actually play FIFA enthusiastically would notice the subtle yet significant differences in the latest version, so much so that it's hard to play at the same level of expertise without any practice ( what I mean is, someone who plays FIFA 12 regularly might still find it hard to play ad well in FIFA 13 in the first few attempts, owing to new small features like first touch and more aggresive defending )

:+1: A dude in my hostel plays fifa 12 khatarnak. But gets f***ed in fifa 13.


Ambassador of Buzz
Umm... so FIFA 14 wont use ignite engine for support of older PCs? AFIK next gen console is a low powered AMD 7670 driven. (could be wrong). Which is a pretty medium lvl card. Am sure most people who buy Fifa 14 would be having a half decent gaming PC with an equivalent or higher card.
General question though, does Ignite affect gameplay as well, or just the visual rendering?

Not just the visual rendering. It effects the new ball physics and the new improvements such as precision movement and all others shown in the video in the first post.


Well then thats a shame! Am sure most PC's will be able to handle the stuff which can run on the consoles. They can have high medium and low settings as well for different PCs. Changing gameplay mechaics cause some archaic machines cant handle the game and pure bull. They just want to promote the new consoles. Its EA afterall !!!


The Slowest One
On flipkart FIFA14 for PC is for 2799INR. WHAT IS THIS? HAVE THEY GONE MAD? or is it worth that HHUUGGE (huge) amount?