[FEEDBACK] New Thinkdigit Website

What do you think of the all new ThinkDigit.com?

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Super Moderator
Staff member
1st you banned me.
now i want to ban you for making the forum bad. ban you :mad:
Lol...I don't think you're vaibhavtek........:lol:

Stop this....whoever you are......

I very well know the Language Style of vaibhavtek....

One more thing, vaibhvatek was banned by FatBeing.....


In the zone
plz remove all red colors from ur web site. try 2 use white as much as possible & make ur web site interface look lik Mac OS x..


Right off the assembly line
well...the new digit website is no doubt far more better, attractive and user friendly than the previous...but the thing i miss most in the new site is the preview of the upcoming issues....the CD-DVD content and of course the magazine main articles previews especially.....its like taking breakfast b4 the huge lunch is served....except that, i think its a fine website for us..the DIGIT fans....keep rocking ...........:cool:


In the zone
I liked the new style but still there is a lot more scope for improvement.
My suggestion is related to download section:
Plz PLz make the items clear. Like download.com does..
Make the item name look different from the download option.
And make "Download" a button-type one...


Right off the assembly line
i think the landing page is useless...

"the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" Here you will find all characters - ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTWXYZ

This is for test. Please ignore


i think the landing page is useless...

"the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" Here you will find all characters - ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTWXYZ

This is for test. Please ignore

Dude u dont know the english alphabets?
Between T and W there are UandV


Cyborg Agent
Please Do Put Some Good Classic English Movies In Ur Dvds Of Digit Editions....the Ones That Are Given Are Very Old Abt 1910-1930.....so Expecting Movies After 1940's....


Right off the assembly line
Preview thread of June 2008 needed.....

Well friends hav anyone got the june issue???? start the new thread on Preview of june 2008 anniversary issue please..............thanx in advance...


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Hi all,

I've been busy with Digit's Anniversary issue. I want everyone to understand that all of this is a work in progress. This is "our" forum, and for the guys who said "Raaabo likes this colour, so it will never change", I'm very disappointed in your behaviour. If you ask all of the old-timers on this forum you will realise that we have always listened to feedback, and made changes for the better.

Not everything we do will meet with your approval, and we realise that. I have a lot more responsibilities now, and although I would love to sit and monitor this forum 24/7, like I used to, I just don't have the time. I'm not saying that this means things will not get done, but it does mean that it will take longer than it used to.

I've changed the colour for now, to make it "less hurtful to the eyes" as you guys were saying it was. We will try and improve it further over time, so please be patient. The red was only to match the look and feel of the forum to the site, which I have tried to keep by changing it from pure red to the colour value of header background on the main site.

Anyway, continue reporting bugs and giving us your feedback, we appreciate it.


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