Far Cry 4


Deleted member 118788

Well I always purchase when games are at 75% discount. :D

I know this fact as I had seen your posts in Steam Sales Thread. I don't play much games and I am interested in this game a lot after playing Far Cry 3 last year.


Geek v1.0
Far Cry 4 Minimum PC System Requirements:

Operating system: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1 (64bit versions only)
Processor: Intel Core i5-750 @ 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.2 GHz
Memory: 4GB
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD5850 (1GB VRAM)
Direct X: Version 11
Hard Drive: 30 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers

Recommended PC System Requirements:

Operating system: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1 (64bit versions only)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400S @ 2.5 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz or better
Memory: 8GB
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon R9 290X or better (2GB VRAM)
Direct X: Version 11
Hard Drive: 30 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers

Thank god I can run it. :D


Swimming, eh??
Pre-Ordered it from Amazon, sold by GamestheShop who have their own website, but don't ship to my location.
It was this or AC:U. And heavens knows I was not going to buy the hefty COD:AW.

Looking forward to play and enjoy this game.


Augmented Nerd
Finally playing it!! My review(courtesy of a friend)

After the absolute rip-off that was Watch_Dogs(I still haven't been able to complete the campaign, thanks to crashing and stuttering, and no help at the UBI forums. No refunds either), a ginormous sink of hard-earned money, I vowed never to buy a game from Ubish!t again, and cancelled my ACU pre-order.

Turns out, I was right. Save a butt-load of money, considering ACU is even worse of a PC-port than WD. But a week ago, I installed and re-played FC:Blood Dragon, my favorite FC, and just wanted to play the next instalment.

Now, in my defense, I just couldn't wait, and also wanted to save money for DA:I(hell, I just don't want to give any more money to Ubi anymore). Aaaand.......

First things first: Is it as buggy as ACU or WD?? NO. But it is still slightly glitchy. Not as good as FC3 was, technically.

Setting lighting above Low, darkens the world completely, making it hard to see. There is crashing on startup,and -most importantly, the map doesn't show on pressing M(completely black). One fix: press alt+tab twice to minimize and maximize, and it might work. Or go to data_win32 and delete there patch.dat and patch.fat(Backup first!!).
There are some other problems with Nvidia drivers, but it's running fine on my Laptop(512 MB AMD Radeon HD 7660G (Integrated) and 2 GB ATI Mobility Radeon 7670M HD Graphics (Dedicated)).
Some other mouse acceleration problems, but easily fixable.

Apart from that...Kyrat is big. Sometimes too big, because sometimes getting from one objective to another on foot starts feeling like a chore. On the other hand-AUTO-DRIVE!!! Fantastic addtion, as you can let the car drive by itself and shoot/take in the view. It has tooons of things to do:assassination missions, hostage rescues, escort quests, resource collecting, bomb defusal, and hunting challenges and obviously outpost takeovers. You can drag and hide bodies now. Call in Guns for Hire token as some AI support(didn't need them much but useful as meat shields nonetheless).
Karma System-new to FC but like the old Good/Evil sort of meter. Cliche.

If I was an american or a European...I wouldn't have have as much fun in this game as Iam having. The atmosphere is Indian, guys. The accents, the abuses(chut!ye, MC!! :lol:), the wear, the conditions, the cynicism, it's all Indian(technically Nepali...but u get my point), and it's loads of fun. No, the characters aren't as charasmatic as FC3(sadly). Pagan Min is great in his own right, but honestly he just isn't there much...and you really miss Vaas. Two opposing leaders of the Golden Path rebels, whose bickering drives the majority of the campaign, are only as interesting as their conflicting points of view on how to run the country once Pagan is out of the picture. Sabal is a traditionalist, whereas Amita wants to bring the country kicking and screaming into the 21st century; though the choice between them is never a black-and-white one. I haven't finished the campaign yet, so I can't say anything on end-of-game twists or anything.

All in all there are more weapons, more vehicles, more modes, more ground to cover, and dare I say-for an Indian at least, who recognises the Himalayan atmosphere...more fun. I'll wait and see if any more DLCs come out, and buy the GOTY edition(yeah, I'll buy it. But only after all tech fixes/patches are done, not before. I am kinda sick of Ubisoft PCport sh!t.)
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Augmented Nerd
Slight spoiler, but not really: A sort of joke alternate ending, Players have the option to wait around near the beginning of the game for Pagan Min to return to his snazzy villa after he takes you captive.

Normally this would be the part where you fleeand kill things-start of the plot. However, if you simply sit there, "enjoying the crab rangoon" as Min says, for a little more than 10 minutes, he'll come back and be your BFF. Or at least, he'll give you a very personal history lesson and take you to a place where you can put your mother's ashes to rest.

After exiting the shrine where you've deposited dear old now-conveniently-travel-sized mom, you rejoin Min near his helicopter. He then quips, "Oh good. You feel better now? Get it out of your system? Maybe now we can finally shoot some goddamn guns." Then "Should I Stay Or Should I Go" by The Clash plays and the credits roll.

Nice, huh??

- - - Updated - - -

Pirated games' discussion is against the rules. :/

I know, I know. Usually I don't. And I will buy it soon. Besides, you get an advance review, right? Be cautious if Nvidia cards and all.
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Swimming, eh??
I learned that this game only has 2 person co-op, which has put me in a dilemma whether to buy this game or not. I was looking for some definitive multiplayer setting, like 8v8 or 16v16 to enjoy the gameplay set in Nepal. But I unless you find a friend who can play just like you, this game's multiplayer will suck big time.
Example, you are there stealthy poaching enemies one by one looking for a weak link in the chain, and there goes your 'friend' riding an elephant, guns blazing laughing madly on the mic.
So can anyone please confirm how goes the multiplayer in this game?

I've already preordered it, but I can buy PES15 instead plus save 800 rupees.

vito scalleta

In the zone
Slight spoiler, but not really: A sort of joke alternate ending, Players have the option to wait around near the beginning of the game for Pagan Min to return to his snazzy villa after he takes you captive.

Normally this would be the part where you fleeand kill things-start of the plot. However, if you simply sit there, "enjoying the crab rangoon" as Min says, for a little more than 10 minutes, he'll come back and be your BFF. Or at least, he'll give you a very personal history lesson and take you to a place where you can put your mother's ashes to rest.

After exiting the shrine where you've deposited dear old now-conveniently-travel-sized mom, you rejoin Min near his helicopter. He then quips, "Oh good. You feel better now? Get it out of your system? Maybe now we can finally shoot some goddamn guns." Then "Should I Stay Or Should I Go" by The Clash plays and the credits roll.

Nice, huh??

- - - Updated - - -

I know, I know. Usually I don't. And I will buy it soon. Besides, you get an advance review, right? Be cautious if Nvidia cards and all.

at what settings are u playing the game ?
and the fps u r getting at those settings ?


Wise Old Owl




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