Dualcore PCs???

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Right off the assembly line
Can anyone out there explain to me what a dualcore pc is all about?
I know they have two processors, but what is so special about that?
Can they run together or are they seperate?
Can anyone give pro's and con's for them?
And are there any issues with them?


Ambassador of Buzz
well whats so special is that, they can run your apps fast, much faster than normal cpu's (multiple apps), the newq range of dual core processors from intel, core2duo and coe2extreme are the fastest desktop computing processors in the world
the pros are: they're obviously faster, 64 bit computing(even some single core processors), they don't require clock speeds to be too high, thus generating less heat, especially c2d
the cons are: if you are unlucky enough to have a core disabled, everything will be REALLY SLOW, as i have learn from my experience with my core2duo pc....


Šupər♂ - 超人
pros: performance figures are the best as of now, in the commercial processors, around 30% performance hike is what is advertised.
cons: huge price difference, not future proof... why... because triple-core, quad-core, multi-core products are soon to be launched... who'll look @ dual-core then?

If u wanna buy a new pc, wait for the multiple cores, they might cost big initially, but'll be worth the price. Or better still, the cost of dual-cores'll hurtle down to ground-level, the n u get good performance for low prices. Winner all the way!
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