Draw Doordashan Logo in C++

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Dark Core

Freak Beta 1
Hello guyz, I need a C++ Program to draw DD Channel Logo.. This was an assignment given to us in our college.. Pls help me out guyz..


Legen-wait for it-dary!
play around with the arc function, and the centre is an ellipse. you need 3 + 3 arcs and ellipse for the whole thing.
1 arc = from sharp end
1 arc = from sharp end, different end point
1 arc = connecting 2 endpoints of first 2 arcs

repeat 3 arcs for the symmetrical side too.
Dark Core

Dark Core

Freak Beta 1
Well tat's was the clue already given by our Mam, but the problem is with using arc function.. I don't know how to use that function to get the correct shape,
Posted again:
Well tat's was the clue already given by our Mam, but the problem is with using arc function.. I don't know how to use that function to get the correct shape,
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Wise Old Owl
hi just write an function with any name eg:
void doordarshan()
while (!kbhit())
arc(100,200,250, 120,300);
circle(300,200,400); //circle(x1,y1,r);

if u need a rotating symbol, just put some delay after those steps and then a cleardevive and call another function after than from itself as recurssion. The second function shud have slightly rotated co-ordinates and so on. This is the simplest way.
if u need further help, just type arc or circle in c++ screen and right click for help on what those numbers do.
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