Downloading a single file in multiple parts,each on different computers.

Is it possible? Can I download a single file, let's say a 1gb file in two parts 500mb each, with each being downloaded on two different computers. And merge them somehow after the download. Most of the download managers do this but on the same computer. Is there any download manager that allows such downloads?


Wise Old Owl
I got a link here linux - How do I download a single file in 2 parts to different locations using wget? - Super User

Which Operating System are you on?


Wise Old Owl
Hmmm.. Got cURL for Windows here cURL groks URLs - CURL 7.31.0
Go to the link I posted above for options and it may be accomplished.

But on ##windows channel of IRC, chilversc says not all servers support the range requests hence on both machines you might end up downloading the same full file.

Give it a try anyway.
Harsh Pranami

Harsh Pranami

Can you please help me with the procedure? I don't even know what to download.
Index of /curl/

I'm a bit noob in coding.


Wise Old Owl
The first link of plain curl without ssh might be the one to get. And note that it is a command line only application. No GUI.
Harsh Pranami

Harsh Pranami

Hey I downloaded curl and even succeeded in downloading in multiple parts using "--range" command. But I'm having trouble combining the parts. Please help.I referred this

cURL - Split a file and download simultaneously from multiple locations » Linux And Friends
Harsh Pranami

Harsh Pranami

Succeeded!!!! Used file merger and splitter for merging the files and IT WORKED!!!! Now me and my friends will share the download of movies and games. Thanks to you all especially sling_shot


Super Moderator
Staff member
very interesting and thanks to sling-shot - bookmarked and saved the page for future reference ;)
Harsh Pranami

Harsh Pranami

Yesterday downloaded a 1.2gb movie in 2.5 hrs using 2g connection.Me and my other 3 friends splitted the download in 4 parts with each part being 300mb. We downloaded those four parts in four different laptops using 2g connection( Two laptops used airtel other two used vodafone). And combined them later. Worked like charm. I wonder why there aren't any download managers that provide this feature.