DiskMax 4.32

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Source: *www.koshyjohn.com/software/diskmax.html
Download.com Editorial Review (Jan, 2010): *download.cnet.com/DiskMax/3000-18512_4-10912587.html


Standard Disclaimer: Many of you will have seen the earlier versions of this posted here over the past few years. But for those who haven't, this software is my own, and no, it's not against the forum rules.

"Do you know why your computer no longer feels as fast as it did when you first got it? It's because of the accumulation of junk files and other data on your system coupled with inefficient layout of your files. So what can you do about it?

Download DiskMax and run it just once - the difference will be instantly noticeable. Your system will be peppier, applications will launch faster, files will open quicker, games will run better, and you will be much happier. Running DiskMax from time to time is recommended to keep your system in shape.

Even if you are an advanced user, DiskMax will be useful to you since it automates all the tasks required to keep your system clean and fast, leaving you to enjoy the whole new experience!"

Executable name................. DiskMax.exe
Version............................... 4.32
Last Updated....................... 26 March, 2010
File Size.............................. 887 KB

Windows............................. XP/2003/Vista/2008/7
Administrative account......... required

P.S. I am thankful to all the members here who have posted reviews about DiskMax on their blogs in the past. You played no small part in DiskMax crossing 200,000 downloads recently. Thank you.​


Broken In
The excessive automation (or should I call it obtrusive?) is exactly the reason why I decided not to use your software.

Almost every other system tweaking & maintenance utility allows users to fine tune their operations at a very granular level, in addition to offering a 1-click-do-it-all mode (which can be customized too).


The excessive automation (or should I call it obtrusive?) is exactly the reason why I decided not to use your software.

Almost every other system tweaking & maintenance utility allows users to fine tune their operations at a very granular level, in addition to offering a 1-click-do-it-all mode (which can be customized too).

Which was the last version you used? There are so many prompts now that the occasional user complains about it.

Here's a recent review that will give you a better idea of some of the options you have: *www.troublefixers.com/free-hard-disk-space-effectively-with-diskmax/

Or try this one: *techie-buzz.com/softwares/diskmax-diskspace-cleaner.html

If you are interested in a finer degree of control, if you could better explain yourself, it would certainly help with future development.


Broken In
My apologies. I had in fact used a much older version of your tool. I tried the latest one you mentioned, and it's great to see that things are customizable, and preferences are remembered.

Great going. I'm using the tool as I write this.
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