Disaster Management Thread


N00B Troller
lol I watched a part of an Indiana Jones movie dont remember which but in that he hid inside a fridge and there was a huge blast (may be nuclear) and I laughed so hard at that scene , I still dont know why I laughed that hard .

BTW does the radius EMP discharge from a nuclear blast depend upon the strength of a nuclear blast or is it same for every blast .

go o a shop buy camlin pencil leads....then make an enclosure out of them, get into the enclosure, you wont be harmed as the lead in them blocks out the radiations, or you could do it the old way by taking out the lead from wooden pencils..
read this for more instructions-
Nuclear breakout prevention

It wont be any good if it is in the radius ... me along with the lead and also pencil will get vaporized before we know what hit us .

I'd keep a lighter or maybe a magnifying lens to produce fire :D

or learn how to light fire like Bear Grylls with sticks of wood .


Lost in speed
BTW does the radius EMP discharge from a nuclear blast depend upon the strength of a nuclear blast or is it same for every blast .
With the extreme temperature + radiation that resulted out of nuclear attack, is far sufficient to vaporize/pulverise anyone within 3-5 miles of hypocenter.
Depending on the weapon design and the nuclear constituents used, the blast effect can be more or somewhat less.
However, Gamma radiation created within few hours of blast, will have a long lasting effect on one's generation/

go o a shop buy camlin pencil leads....then make an enclosure out of them, get into the enclosure, you wont be harmed as the lead in them blocks out the radiations, or you could do it the old way by taking out the lead from wooden pencils..
read this for more instructions-
Nuclear breakout prevention
In a strong nuclear explosion, even the lead walls of few meters thick will be vaporized with such extreme temperatures created out of explosion. :lol:


Sith Lord
Staff member
hey wow. some things you might wanna include.

waterproof matches
solid fuel tablets
a wire saw
pepper spray
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