Digg bought by betaworks, to relaunch as ReThink Digg on August 1


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Aug 6, 2008
As betaworks and Digg both announced on their blogs, we are taking over Digg and turning it back into a startup. What they didn’t mention is that we’re rebuilding it from scratch. In six weeks.


As you can see, betaworks after acquiring Digg for $500,000 (hardly a shadow of what it was worth back in a day) have been hard at work to bring Digg back to the front line. These days Reddit hogs all the limelight. But betaworks is really serious with their motive. They hope to change that soon, and together with Digg are working hard to provide the first version of the new Digg, named “Rethink Digg“. And all this was done in 6 weeks. Yes! The team has been hard at work, and we are to see the results very soon, as soon as August 1.betaworks wants your help. They want you to complete this simple survey which will help them make a better Digg. You can find the survey via the link below.
