Cube World


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
This game has been getting a lot of hype over the past couple of days.

Cube World is essentially an MMO. You have four classes to choose from each with their own specialties and weapon/armor sets - Warrior, Mage, Rogue and Ranger, with many races to choose from as well. You travel around, gather loot, defeat bosses, very typical MMO style gameplay. The action is much faster paced than your typical MMO as the combat happens in real time, with every swing of your sword or shot of fire from your wand controlled in a very Action RPG style as opposed to the "right click to attack" style of gameplay seen in more popular MMOs like WoW.

We can say this game as a combination of Minecraft and Skyrim, and it have have indefinite world.

Though I dont have enough idea of this game. This game is currently in alpha phase. Is this game promising? Worth buying ?

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