crysis on 512 ram?

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Ambassador of Buzz
there is one of my friend who plays crysis on 512 mb ram and that too without a graphics card !!
his onboard memory is just a mere 64mb
he said he has also played undercover,far cry 2 ,dmc4 and all the latest titles on that configuration and that this phenomenon has been done by his computer mechanic by doing some thing on his computer in the registry settings and system volume information. he also added that his computer buzzes(sound) very high and sometimes suddenly restarts with giving that cpu has been damaged but after few minutes it again starts to work fine
how is that possible ????????:confused:
possible. windows xp sp3. VGA or lower resolution. ALL SETTINGS TO ROCK BOTTOM.

Then crysis wouldn't be crysis. it would be a crisis to your eyes.

And yeah, maybe he OCed his CPU, IGP and RAM to the maximum possible extent.

Trust me, you wouldn't want to play this way if your objective is to enjoy the game.
You are better off watching paint dry or watching 2 snails in a race than put up with pathetic frame rates from that config...:rolleyes:


i think may be AMD 780g/790FX chipset can play with 512MB RAM !!!

i ve experienced the 780G/790FX chipset performance , its fast but ,sure the resolution would be 800 X 600 @ all very low settings
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