Corsair K70 Lux keyboard problem


My Corsair K/b has suddenly acting strangely.

First its LEDs started blinking randomly on its own, sometimes shutting down completely. I was able to get over it by disabling Corsair iCue software although the problem has now become less frequent on its own.

But now I find that the k/b has stopped responding under BIOS/Boot screen. It works fine as soon as Windows get loaded. As a result I am unable to go to BIOS. I have changed USB ports of my motherboard but the problem remains.

What should I do?


Cyborg Agent
Restart the PC from within Windows (not power off and then on) and check if this time keyboard works during POST screen. I assume Windows 10 or above. May be fast-boot is enabled in power settings. Disable that. It prevents keyboard operations during POST.

Try to access firmware (uefi/bios) using Settings – Update & Security – Recovery -Advanced startup (restart now) options and check if system can successfully land in bios (option could be named as restart to UEFI). If it does, check if keyboard works or not. If it works, also if there’s any fast boot option in there, disable it.


Thanks for the reply.

I entered my MoBos BIOS by downloading Asrock Utility. There was nothing to change as all settings looked fine. I, still, saved the settings and rebooted my system. The k/b started working fine!

I have been having strange problems with the BIOS on this Mobo (like system shutting down on its owns from the POST screen) and now this k/b problem.
Will check if this is the case with any other user of this MoBo.


Super Moderator
Staff member
system shutting down on its owns from the POST screen ... I suspect the PSU here.