Core 2 Duo E8600 @ 6.7GHz!!!!

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EXIT: DATA Junkyard
The yet to be released in2 market Core 2 Duo E 8600 from Intel HAS BROKEN ALL RECORDS.

Check this out to find out :

* 2 Duo e8600 @ 6.7 ghz.jpg

Check this out to find out :

* 2 Duo e8600 @ 6.7 ghz.jpg

Google to get the complete information, I just posted the pic.
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Broken In

it says the processor operates at 3339.7 Mhz not 6721.63 Mhz. Are you sure the figures you mentioned are correct?


Cyborg Agent
Thats right, its overclocked.
Board is the key here.Monster of a board, Asus Rampage Extreme :)

Its done by Andre Yang, a famous overclocker.

Abhishek Dwivedi
oh yeah...thn chk this extreme overclocking - its a wrld recrd in 3DMark world record:D: *

thy used liquid nitrogen to cool the systm :O:O

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
At this speed even the highest end gfx card will be a bottleneck for gaming :D

Huh.. You jsut can't compare the processing power of GFX with CPU ! Both have different set of instructions. .Well to be honest even 7Ghz CPu won't be too much for any GPU :p

On a personal not. These kind of thinsg are wonder for lay man. .Atleast in India :p How many of Us can buy Liquiq Nitrogen for a mere OC ? I mean for low time ? Also H2O cooling can't handle these stuff !


Cyborg Agent
Its Shamino, the master himself !!
LN2 has been used for quite some time now :)
Its fun to bench using LN2 ;)

BTW, Shamino is the same guy responsible for superb boards like Foxconn MARS and Foxconn Blackops.

Huh.. You jsut can't compare the processing power of GFX with CPU ! Both have different set of instructions. .Well to be honest even 7Ghz CPu won't be too much for any GPU :p

On a personal not. These kind of thinsg are wonder for lay man. .Atleast in India :p How many of Us can buy Liquiq Nitrogen for a mere OC ? I mean for low time ? Also H2O cooling can't handle these stuff !

LN2 is cheap, its the Dewar that is expensive and very rare to find any on rent so Dry Ice + Acetone is more convenient :)
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Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
LN2 is cheap, its the Dewar that is expensive and very rare to find any on rent so Dry Ice + Acetone is more convenient

OMG the great :p Darky is here :p Nice to see ya around :) Well I haven't done any Dry ICE and Acetone Ocin on my Sis Q6600 lets see if I can get my hands over it :p Currently happy with WC kit :)
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