CONTEST ALERT - Synology-Digit NAS Review Contest - Win NAS units and HDDs


Right off the assembly line
Apr 10, 2021
1. What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve?
I am using 3 different platforms for my work at home. Mac, Ubuntu and Windows. I have an external drive with good amount of capacity. While this drive works fine to move my data between Windows and Linux machines. But it does not work on Mac as it needs special formatting. At present if I have to share, I connect the drive to Linux and use SCP or FTP to transfer it to mac. I was looking to build a NAS myself, to solve this problem.

2. What application(s) you’d like to review?
I would like to review the following use-cases
1. Read and write files from Mac, Windows, Linux
2. Speed. I use the drive for storing my virtual machines (for development work). These files are minimum 10G each. So whenever I need to run to on my local box, I should be able to copy it fast. At present I have to keep attaching and removing the drive to machine and an additional overhead when using Mac as I cannot direct use them on Mac.
3. I would like to have backup for my documents, photos. At present I store photos on cloud storage. But for documents, I don't prefer it as they have confidential information.
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Broken In
Apr 11, 2021

1. What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve?

Well, I'm a student and in today's date, we all know how it's all working online. And it's literally killing my pc when it comes to storage problems. You see, lectures of worth around 2 gigabytes daily + study materials on a daily basis make it really hard for me to store on my PC's storage. And swapping with HDD and other stuff like pen drives takes loads of time sadly. Also, one of my family member, being a teacher, recording meetings, scanning lot of study materials, etc really finds it hard to get storage on their PC too.
Now when it comes to storage in my Phone, it's a total endgame! I literally have made accounts on google in order to back up my photos and docs, which makes it really time-consuming to retrieve the data [Out of space in all of them :-( ] . Also, I have CCTV cameras around my place as well as a good friend's who lives far. And the HDDs in there too are hefty to maintain and take a lot of efforts. Uploading personal data to other cloud services feels pretty risky as well.

2. What application(s) you’d like to review?

Well all of them but the uniques ones really seem helpful
For starters, I really do like accessing my media on many devices, and copying those hither and tither makes it really sad.. plus the quality which is then seen doesn't really satisfy
The feature wherein I can use NAS as an ultimate media streamer using Video Station looks awesome.
Also auto backup is pretty common in Smartphones but the feature wherein I can do the same for my PCs is so cool. Important data like old records and pwds, etc really need that feature. Also easy and time saver for the old gen people XD.

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Right off the assembly line
Apr 12, 2021
Contest #1:

Q:What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve?
A: As a CG professional working in the movie industry for years and a freelancer , I need a reliable storage solution for my projects.As the multimedia and cg projects are usually contains hugh volume of data .So I need ample storage for my renders and simulation caches.Currently I am using internal and external HDD as my storage solution
And already lost one of my disk crashed recently resulting in loss old project files as well as my personal photos and everything. And ther other tow storage media I have are also aging and can give up any day now. So being a close follower of tech I came across the Synology NAS. And I found that NAS like DS220+ (at least affordable)is best suited for me for now, but if I can win a free ont then definitely will prefer the more high end like DS420j or the DS420+

Q:What application(s) you’d like to review?
A: I would review it as a layman and from a regular guys's perspective, how seamless and easy to store backup all my files and getting them on demand.
Also will want to know how this NAS can handle/stream/feed my workstation with thousand of frames render footages with atleast half a gig size each for my realtime compositing work or the simulation cache which are even higher in size per frame.
Oh and yes ofcourse how easey it would be to setup it as my daily midea server for my smart entertainment system.

Contest #2

Q:What feature of Synology NAS do you like this most?
A: From the feature list as of now it seems the Synology Moments is favourite.It will automatically eliminate my and my family's tedious job of organising and backup process of photos from multiple sources bliss. More over the reliability of a NAS on data protection from corruption is way supirior than traditional HDD. Which is the reason I need a NAS.

Q:Which Synology NAS would you ideally buy?
A: Ofcourse if was more affordable and also in my budget I would go for DS420+ as it has 4 bay and the storage limit is also higher. But currently keeping everything in mind the perfect solution would be the DS220+.It has seamless integration with mobile devices and the ability to schedule backup and the peace of mind for protection from HDD failure.


Right off the assembly line
Dec 23, 2020

Are you plagued by low storage problems? Do you like taking a lot of photos but have no space to store them? Are you contemplating buying some cloud storage?

Why not simply take part in these two contests to get a free Synology NAS!



  • 5x Synology DS120j NAS (hard drives included)
  • 5x Synology DS220+ NAS (hard drives included)

Details and timeline​

  1. Applications open on - 4th April, 2021
  2. Head over to - What is NAS?
  3. Based on the above link, answer 2 questions on this thread to participate:
    1. What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve? (Please be as descriptive as possible.)
    2. What application(s) you’d like to review?
      1. Back up PC and Mac automatically
      2. Photo and video backup for iOS and Android
      3. NAS as the ultimate media streamer
      4. Share and collect files in a breeze
      5. Your own unique use case
  4. Fill the Google form - Synology NAS reviews - The Digit Forum
  5. Applications close by - 14th April, 2021
  6. 10 participants will be selected and given Synology NAS units + HDDs - 16th April, 2021
  7. Selected participants will get to use the Synology NAS for 3 weeks and check out all the features
  8. Selected participants have to review the NAS and share their experiences in this section* at the end of 3 weeks i.e. by 10th May, 2021
  9. Selected participants get to keep the Synology NAS units + HDDs

Terms and Conditions​

  • Contest runs from April 2nd, 2021 to May 20th, 2021
  • This contest is sponsored by Synology and run by Digit.
  • Contest is open to all Indian Citizens above the age of 18 as of April 2nd, 2021.
  • Terms and conditions, and timelines are subject to change.
  • You must have an account on the Digit Geek forums in order to participate in this contest.
  • Only one application per household will be accepted.
  • Selected contestants will get to permanently keep the NAS unit along with the hard drives that they have been given as long as all terms and conditions are adhered to.
  • Forum rules are final and applicable to all interactions during the contest.
  • Digit and its parent company, 9.9 Group Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to restrict entry.



  • 2x Synology DS120j NAS
  • 10x Synology T-Shirts

Details and timeline​

  1. Contest begins today
  2. Head to this link - what is NAS
  3. Check out the different Synology NAS devices that can be purchased in India:
    1. Amazon: *
    2. Flipkart: *
  4. Post in this thread
    1. What feature of Synology NAS do you like this most?
    2. Which Synology NAS would you ideally buy?
  5. Complete survey: SurveyCake
  6. You can also share This thread [*] on your social media handles to increase your chances of winning. Remember to use the hashtags #Synology #Digit #SynologyDigitForum2021
  7. Contest open till 14th April, 2021

Terms and Conditions​

  • Contest runs from April 2nd, 2021 to April 14th, 2021
  • This contest is sponsored by Synology and run by Digit.
  • Contest is open to all Indian Citizens above the age of 18 as of April 2nd, 2021.
  • Terms and conditions, and timelines are subject to change.
  • You must have an account on the Digit Geek forums in order to participate in this contest.
  • Only one application per household will be accepted.
  • Forum rules are final and applicable to all interactions during the contest.
  • Digit and its parent company, 9.9 Group Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to restrict entry.
* This has been changed to another thread in the same section from a post in this thread on 05/04/21
1. My current storage problem is I like to store BD50/BD REMUX files for that my current external storage(4TB) / Google Drive isn't efficient to store as the read/write/Upload(Cloud) takes more time than ripping/Downloading files.

2. Main reason I would like to use NAS is for Home server , I prefer PLEX media Server


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 10, 2008
Please follow these instructions.
Respond to the second contest in its own thread. If you have already posted here, cut out your responses, and put them in the new thread for contest 2 here

All users are encouraged to participate in both contests, or at least if writing a review post is not your thing then participate in Contest #2 and everyone who participated in Contest #1, also participate in Contest #2.. More things can change depending on the response. Do not wait for the deadline, participate as early as possible.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 7, 2011

1. Q:What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve?
Ans. I have lots of internal & external HDDs(almost 30TB) & a syncology NAS will help me in de-cluttering my PC table(littered with external HDDs) as well as help in more ease of access to my data anywhere from my home network as well as from outside network.

2. Q:What application(s) you’d like to review?
Ans. I would like to review automatic one click backup solutions as well as media access from multiple devices & platforms like windows, android & even web browser for some simple media streaming & file operations.

1. Back up PC and Mac automatically
I have lots of files in my documents folders & I often edit office & text documents. Sometimes there are mistakes which skips my notice & result in lost info. The version & auto backup feature of syncology NAS will help me in this case as I will always have some previous copies of a document so even if there is a mistake in final edit I can still make use of previous versions to correct it.

2. Photo and video backup for iOS and Android
Most android file explorers nowadays comes with ftp/web server based file sharing so I also plan to use NAS as a backup destination for such personal data which is too sensitive to upload on google drive/photos.

3. NAS as the ultimate media streamer
Nowadays with increasing availability of 4k content the storage requirements have also gone up so a NAS as a single source to stream 4k content to multiple devices saves the hassle of finding enough storage on multiple devices. In this way NAS can help me in setting up a single source for streaming all my media across the network.

4. Share and collect files in a breeze
I have lots of files which I like to share with my friends & cousins but currently I need to upload them first to a cloud service & then send the link to them. Using syncology NAS share file feature & collect file feature I can directly send my files as well as allow my friends & cousins to send me files without involving a 3rd party(cloud service provider) in between. It is more secure & privacy oriented.

5. Your own unique use case
I would also like to deploy a snapshot based windows backup restore feature as found in many disc imaging software(differential & incremental backups to be precise) which can take snapshot of windows drive every few hours & save it to NAS & can be used to revert any changes made to windows/OS either intentionally(installing some new software or windows update) & unintentionally(malware attacks). As windows 10 regular updates nowadays have frequently become problematic in many cases it will be a nice insurance to know all it will take is a few min/hour to revert any inadvertent changes made to the windows/OS.
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Right off the assembly line
Apr 18, 2021
What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve? (Please be as descriptive as possible.)
Being a technology enthusiast, I am an avid reader of technology-related magazines such as Digit, PC Quest, CHIP, etc. Now with all the knowledge that these magazines offer, they come with a DVD which packs additional content (software, games, documentaries) which just sits there, as we seldom use DVDs now. Many-a-times, these DVDs have an upgraded version of previously provided firmware/drivers/OS. So, copying all the media from such DVDs to the local disk is just not the solution. Thus, I would very much like to rip the DVDs into the NAS and access all of the updated content.
What application(s) you’d like to review?
  1. Back up PC and Mac automatically
  2. Photo and video backup for iOS and Android
  3. NAS as the ultimate media streamer
  4. Share and collect files in a breeze
  5. Your own unique use case
NAS as the ultimate media streamer and a private application server to edit various kinds of documents.


Right off the assembly line
Apr 18, 2021
What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve? (Please be as descriptive as possible.)
Currently I have been facing a very big problem as I have to store photos, videos, music, my personal data, professional data all these things in my hard drives I have 3 all are full 6 months ago a incident happened with me my hard drive it crashed I was not able to recover my data and had a huge loss. Then I thought of going for cloud storage but as I saw their monthly charges they were to expensive plus I don't want to share my personal data in cloud where I don't have my full control, so I browsed a lot about NAS and its benefits

- Synology NAS is essently a intelligent box that helps you store all of your photos, videos, music , personal and professional data in a safe fast and easily accessible place

- My challenge is that my data is increasing day by day and all my storage devices are getting full and if they crash I am not able to recover any thing from them
Whereas NAS create a instant replica of your data in another drive so that if one crash the other one can give me my all valuable data .

- Also SYNOLOGY NAS is like a one time investment and I can access my files from anywhere In the world without tension

What application(s) you’d like to review?

  1. Back up PC and Mac automatically
  2. Photo and video backup for iOS and Android
  3. NAS as the ultimate media streamer
  4. Share and collect files in a breeze
  5. All 4 features

Priyanshu Tiwari

Right off the assembly line
Apr 19, 2021

Are you plagued by low storage problems? Do you like taking a lot of photos but have no space to store them? Are you contemplating buying some cloud storage?

Why not simply take part in these two contests to get a free Synology NAS!

Note: this is Contest #1, click here to go to contest 2



  • 5x Synology DS120j NAS (hard drives included)
  • 5x Synology DS220+ NAS (hard drives included)

Details and timeline​

  1. Applications open on - 4th April, 2021
  2. Head over to - What is NAS?
  3. Based on the above link, answer 2 questions on this thread to participate:
    1. What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve? (Please be as descriptive as possible.)
    2. What application(s) you’d like to review?
      1. Back up PC and Mac automatically
      2. Photo and video backup for iOS and Android
      3. NAS as the ultimate media streamer
      4. Share and collect files in a breeze
      5. Your own unique use case
  4. Fill the Google form - Synology NAS reviews - The Digit Forum
  5. Applications close by - 21st April, 2021
  6. 10 participants will be selected and given Synology NAS units + HDDs - 23rd April, 2021
  7. Selected participants will get to use the Synology NAS for 3 weeks and check out all the features
  8. Selected participants have to review the NAS and share their experiences in this section* at the end of 3 weeks i.e. by 14th May, 2021
  9. Selected participants get to keep the Synology NAS units + HDDs

Terms and Conditions​

  • Contest runs from April 2nd, 2021 to April 21st, 2021
  • This contest is sponsored by Synology and run by Digit.
  • Contest is open to all Indian Citizens above the age of 18 as of April 2nd, 2021.
  • Terms and conditions, and timelines are subject to change.
  • You must have an account on the Digit Geek forums in order to participate in this contest.
  • Only one application per household will be accepted.
  • Selected contestants will get to permanently keep the NAS unit along with the hard drives that they have been given as long as all terms and conditions are adhered to.
  • Forum rules are final and applicable to all interactions during the contest.
  • Digit and its parent company, 9.9 Group Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to restrict entry.
If all of this seems like too much trouble, then just head over to the simpler contest to get a chance of winning some Synology gear and goodies, Contest #2

* This has been changed to another thread in the same section from a post in this thread on 05/04/21
  • Contest has been split into two threads. Responses to the second contest have to be in that thread. 14/04/21
  • All deadlines have been extended by one week. 14/04/21


Are you plagued by low storage problems? Do you like taking a lot of photos but have no space to store them? Are you contemplating buying some cloud storage?

Why not simply take part in these two contests to get a free Synology NAS!

Note: this is Contest #1, click here to go to contest 2



  • 5x Synology DS120j NAS (hard drives included)
  • 5x Synology DS220+ NAS (hard drives included)

Details and timeline​

  1. Applications open on - 4th April, 2021
  2. Head over to - What is NAS?
  3. Based on the above link, answer 2 questions on this thread to participate:
    1. What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve? (Please be as descriptive as possible.)
    2. What application(s) you’d like to review?
      1. Back up PC and Mac automatically
      2. Photo and video backup for iOS and Android
      3. NAS as the ultimate media streamer
      4. Share and collect files in a breeze
      5. Your own unique use case
  4. Fill the Google form - Synology NAS reviews - The Digit Forum
  5. Applications close by - 21st April, 2021
  6. 10 participants will be selected and given Synology NAS units + HDDs - 23rd April, 2021
  7. Selected participants will get to use the Synology NAS for 3 weeks and check out all the features
  8. Selected participants have to review the NAS and share their experiences in this section* at the end of 3 weeks i.e. by 14th May, 2021
  9. Selected participants get to keep the Synology NAS units + HDDs

Terms and Conditions​

  • Contest runs from April 2nd, 2021 to April 21st, 2021
  • This contest is sponsored by Synology and run by Digit.
  • Contest is open to all Indian Citizens above the age of 18 as of April 2nd, 2021.
  • Terms and conditions, and timelines are subject to change.
  • You must have an account on the Digit Geek forums in order to participate in this contest.
  • Only one application per household will be accepted.
  • Selected contestants will get to permanently keep the NAS unit along with the hard drives that they have been given as long as all terms and conditions are adhered to.
  • Forum rules are final and applicable to all interactions during the contest.
  • Digit and its parent company, 9.9 Group Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to restrict entry.
If all of this seems like too much trouble, then just head over to the simpler contest to get a chance of winning some Synology gear and goodies, Contest #2

* This has been changed to another thread in the same section from a post in this thread on 05/04/21
  • Contest has been split into two threads. Responses to the second contest have to be in that thread. 14/04/21
  • All deadlines have been extended by one week. 14/04/21
What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve? (Please be as descriptive as possible.)

Currently I am using a laptop setup which consists of low storage and I need to store stuffs on drive too. I play games and record the clips but in order to transfer them to my mobile device, it takes a lot of effort. With Synology, I could easily store my data without any issues and can easily trasnfer them to my phone or any other devices. I am a student and I require to transfer assignments from one device to another in order to take print outs and submit them, but I feel Synology can help me to come out of this Hassel.

What application(s) you’d like to review?
->Back up PC and Mac automatically
->Photo and video backup for iOS and Android
->NAS as the ultimate media streamer
->Share and collect files in a breeze

I am a heavy storage user with less storage options, so I can give all the applications a try...

Cool Buddy

Wise Old Owl
Mar 31, 2006
What is your current storage problem that Synology could help you solve? (Please be as descriptive as possible.)
  1. My current setup requires me to run two separate devices to create a NAS (A dedicated backup hard drive connected to a Raspberry Pi). And also, all the set up and maintenance needs to be done manually. At times, this can be taxing with our busy schedules. Synology NAS with it's various apps ecosystem will make this whole process easier and with a single device. There will be no mess of wires running from here to there.
  2. Setting up a sync server is also a pain. I have multiple devices, PC, Laptop, Phone, Tab and there are some things I want to keep in sync in all these devices. Synology will make it easier for me to setup this multi-device sync.
  3. Following from above, it will make my life easier with a local backup of all my photos and videos. Relying on cloud solutions either works out to be costly (with monthly subscription fee to paid for life) or makes data vulnerable to leakage. Having the data locally available solves both problems.
  4. I will also be able to stream movies directly to my Android TV using Kodi.
  5. Synology NAS's DiskStation manager will be far easier to maintain for me, rather than having to fumble around with a Linux terminal every time something goes wrong.

What application(s) you’d like to review?
  1. Back up PC and Mac automatically
  2. Photo and video backup for iOS and Android
  3. NAS as the ultimate media streamer
  4. Share and collect files in a breeze
  5. Your own unique use case
I will be trying out all 5 usecases.
  • First three are obvious usecases mentioned in the first part.
  • I see fewer practical usecases for fourth point for myself. However, having the option to share large files without relying on cloud applications is certainly a plus. I see myself sharing my phone's videos with my family, once I have this feature.
  • My unique usecases would include setting up a print server on Synology. My father sometimes needs to take printouts. However, since he has a laptop, he's forced to connect the printer to the laptop every time. I will try connecting the printer to Synology and setting up a print server (hopefully with a print queue functionality), if this function is supported for my printer model.


Right off the assembly line
Apr 21, 2021
Contest 1:

Most of us believe that use of NAS limited to storage of documents and media files. However, people don't know that NAS can be used in enterprises to host a variety of applications. I want to demonstrate an use case where Synology NAS can be used as primary storage of a database.

I work in manufacturing industry. We collect thousands of measurements every second from hundreds of equipment in our production line and store then in database for operation analysis. We require GBs of storage space every month. So efficient and affordable management of storage space has been a challenge. I want to experiment with Synology NAS and build a use case where I shall be storing millions of data points in the NAS and use an external server attached to the NAS to analyze the data. I shall review the product from perspective of data storage at industrial scale.

I'm a tech geek and have worked in IT & manufacturing industry for more than 5 years, I have worked with various NAS products available in the market and want to try out Synology for the first time.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 10, 2008
Yes, timeline has been extended by one week for everything. We will be making the announcements and contacting by email.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 10, 2008
Putting list of users who qualified to win Contest #1. If anyone is missing please respond here.

Priyanshu Tiwari
Cool Buddy
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Bond, Desi Bond!
Oct 9, 2007
Putting list of users who qualified to win Contest #1. If anyone is missing please respond here.

Priyanshu Tiwari
Cool Buddy
Did I miss anything. Do not see my name.