Configuring AirTel GPRS - Please Help

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Thinking Different

I have recently purchased a Motorola Q9h windows mobile based smartphone. I want to surf the internet and access e-mail on this. I have activated the AirTel GPRS (Rs. 99/- p.m.) service, but I am unable to connect to internet. I have contacted AirTel helpline, but the call centre executive does not know about Motorola Q9h (He only knows about Nokia phones, what a pity :().

Can anybody here please help me configure GPRS on my phone. Also, what are the other options for accessing internet from my mobile? I know that 3G is not available till now (may be end of this year).

Thanks for any support.


Debian Gnu/Linux User
dont tell exact model of your mobile..

go to and find similar popular modeles with matching your mobile features..

another way..

1. you must receive GPRS account settings from Airtel.. (call the SMS CODE for receving GPRS settings..instead of saying for particular model (or) say MOTO RAzer)
they have all similar settings..
2. receive the settings.. and switch off and then on...
3. thats all..


It doesn't matter!
Its airtel online monthly pack. Ask them to send da settings for a phone nearest matching ur phone, and preferably of an older similar phone..


as far as i know, airtel does not provide the airtel live or the aon service to smartphones, the only option is Mobile Office. which is Rs. 15 per day.

my colleague got HTC phone with Windows and he had to start mobile office service in that.


Šupər♂ - 超人
I'm also new to mobile internet. I need to know the difference between all these plans/access points. What is this NOP? And why is it given with airtel online?
I used to have airtel live earlier. They called me & said it'll b economical to go 'online'.
I hate restrictions. Need unlimited download/upload access. But with AOnline, i'm not able to access some sites.
Please clarify someone. Need correct details. Mine is an N95 8gb.


At Hell's Disq
NOP is net on the name suggests the service is meant to be used for surfing internet on mobile.this has some limitations like:
1>some sites cannot be opened.
2>though theres not limit on data transfer,the max size of a file that can be downloaded at a time is 3MB.

Airtel Live is the portal service and can be used to access only airtel web page.though some hacks used to allow ppl to surf on pc.

Mobile Office is the full net service.theres not limit on data tranfer which means unlimited downloads.can be used to surf both from mobile and pc.


Šupər♂ - 超人
Then, what is the price of mobile office? I wanted allround access. Airtel live is waste, kya, 4 me?

I always accessed sites other than ALive using airtel live access point only.


At Hell's Disq
the rates of Mobile Office varies depending on the contact Airtel CC to know the rates that r applicable in ur region.


It doesn't matter!
The max size tat can be downloaded on AO in karnataka is 2mb. And they have merged NOP and AO over here. Airtel live can be used to browse other sites at 30p/10kb(not exactly sure bout da price).
MO in karnataka is 20 bucks per day and 99bucks per week:)


Šupər♂ - 超人
The max size tat can be downloaded on AO in karnataka is 2mb. And they have merged NOP and AO over here. Airtel live can be used to browse other sites at 30p/10kb(not exactly sure bout da price).
MO in karnataka is 20 bucks per day and 99bucks per week:)
Mine is a postpaid connection yaar.... if i use MO, does it mean that i'll b losing a min of (99x4)/- per month on using MO.... or free till 2mb download per day is crossed or........

Yes.. I did notice that NOP/AO merger.... that's what confused me.... what should I use to access all sites... like regular internet. I do download sw... youtube.... what's the best option for me?


It doesn't matter!
Yes. Unfortunately u'll be paying 400 bucks every month..

or free till 2mb download per day is crossed or........

Sorry i didn't get dis part..

Well if u tend to browse and download only on cell then u can go wit AO.. If u plan to connect to pc u need MO. .

And da 2mb download limit on AO can be exceeded by using ucweb on ur cell..


Šupər♂ - 超人
Pats... I'm not like u... dude... sleazy mod :D

But still... I'm into downloadin & xperimentin any & every sw... & HATE LIMITS...


Google Bot
Well MO is more liberal in case of downloading. but its damn costly. and the speeds suck these days cos of too many users.

I use NOP and get around 8-10 kBps during daytime and 20kBps in the night. To bypass the 2MB limit you can use UCWeb or Proxifier (PC).


Beyond Smart
^^ Dude, NOP is still working ? I heard they have stopped the NOP service altogether and now you just have Airtel live which is charged according to download.
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