Computer finder in network

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Broken In
Is there any utility on the net (free)which can give me computer name on giving IP address submission. Even if it is any command it will do, just i want to find computer name by giving IP address


Cyborg Agent
You can use the
ping -a
command to resolve IP addresses to host names, where is the IP address.


@enoonmai Ping wud not on the target Machine if it is FIREWALLED.
Use Wi-Fi detection function available in PC CILLIN 2005 Internet Security.


Cyborg Agent
How many networks do you know that block ICMP on their internal networks? I know very, very, very few of them, and those are so paranoid that getting access to the CIA Datavault would be easier in comparison. :)


Cyborg Agent
errrr enoon...ICMP isnt allowed on my internal ;) yes these guys are paranoid to no end but we all access everythin :D


Cyborg Agent
You mean I can't ping another computer in the domain/company/network? :) Weird, why would anyone block ICMP on the internal network? Makes sense if they filter/block outbound/inbound requests, but internally? Makes me wanna go "yew"! Me and your network admin gotta meet some day. He doesn't walk around with a laptop handcuffed to his wrist, surrounded by bodyguards in black suits and sunglasses and look around shifty-eyed if anyone so much as whispers "nmap", does he? :D LOL, I suppose he lives in mortal dread of an SRLG failure. :lol: Talk about paranoid, I wouldn't be surprised if he lovingly caresses the server everyday, droning "My own, my love, my preciousss!" But tell me, why the paranoia? You're not developing software for the Defense Department or anything, are you? :D


@enoonmai i have tried piniging a firewalled PC . but no request and after i disabled the firewall request started.Me and my friend hav practiced al these things. the firewall software block those incoming ICMP i dunno wether the windows firewall block it or not.
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