chinese pda's fr 4 grandd?!?!?

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In the zone
Hey guys yest my friend purchased a chinesse no name pda for 4 grand...and its amazing , it has all feautures u expect frm a pda and a querty keyboard , also it has a tv antenna nd receives doordarshan!... now my question is how do they manage to sell it so cheap...nd are they durable??


Legen-wait for it-dary!
My friend has the same phone too. Same 4K. and if you connect a TV cable to it you can watch other channels too... I dont know if its durable but he has been using it for 2-3 months. And its chinese, so its cheap.


^^Its not cheap just because its Chinese..
The phones are brought to India illegally without paying duties and other such things. Thus those additional costs are not put on the customer.
And you dont get a bill and warranty on those phones. Thus they are dirt cheap.


They are cheap as they don't incur the cost of advertising and promotion. Also they don't pay royalties for technology used and as said above they're smuggled illegally w/o any duty being paid on them.

And yes they are durable and have good build quality but when I spend 4k I want to get peace of mind too.


left this forum longback
yes,they dont follow patents reg by nokia,SE and all hence cheap.

It is VERY bad,that our market is flooded by this low quality chinese craps :x


~Bulletproof Monk~
use and throw kinda stuff man.
after 6 months these phones will be sold by hawkers you know?
no shop buy backs these phones, and one who does that hits a hammer on his head as these fones lack warranty and the repair costs are damn damn costly, so if you have cash to splurge buy such phones every 3 months or so. if you dont, buy a good branded mobile that will last for lifetime.
Yeah i hate chinese stuffs
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