Can't study seriously.

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Count Dracula

Ok, this is a serious issue.Had my third terminal exams,And unfortunately most of the papers weren't fine.I move on to 9th now,And I have to take this seriously.Previously I would sit on my pc just after I arrived from school,and would surf/play till 12 AM.Regular life.Didn't even study the previous day before exams.
Actually its like I live alone in the house.My mommy goes to work,And nobody forces or scolds me to study.My mom is very liberal,too.I want something to seriously influence me so I can force myself to study.So, guys, just post some regular study habits,Your daily time table,Your daily intake of food,tips and other related stuff,Which would suffice an 8th Standard student.I am actually quite smart,But something needs to influence me.Like last time,I screwed up my printer(kicked it,I suppose) and my mother didn't allow me to play the whole day.Next day it was the Environmental Education paper and to my surpise I got 77/80.


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Ok, forum or internet addiction is very common and even i was a victim once upon a time. My solution was to use a goal-minded approach. I know it souds plain simple but it works.


In the zone
My suggestion is to dispose off your pc and cable connection .if you wanna check your emails surf thru mobile, watch movies by renting cds,watch DD for news.getting bored switch on your music system.
study late night on saturdays upto 2.30am
finish off your homeworks as soon you arrive from school
Join maths,science tuition class altho u might not needed but you will get extra booster.
well....these are the things i did during early 90's(except no inetrnet and mobile at that time)


actually your thread title was very funny to me :p (NO OFFENCE) Even for me Studies and Seriousness never went hand in hand, but I still somehow manged to do them still !! Try packing off your PC during exams .. Usually that's what I do :D


jus go for a balanced approach

first, make a time table and split ur day into study hours and play hours
then, use a planner, assign some work everyday, but make sure u set "reachable" goals.
if ur unable to complete as planned, then, shift some play hours to study hours/
similarly, if u finish ur work real early, then shift some study hours to play hours

u will definitely see an improvement..


Wise Old Owl
This is very common , what i did ...........Take your pc power cable and tell your mom to hide this in exam time, if something is urgent like mail etc go friends home or cyber cafe


Aspiring Novelist
Extremely common case during school days.You have identified your own points where you need to work on then what's the hesitation? Start working on a plan for it.The best thing is leave the computer for sometime.Spend some amount of time in going out with friends.Studies is very important regardless of what you think of it.You'll have that PC later on too right? No one is going to take that away from you.So dedicate certain amount of time to it.

Internet can be a huge addiction.Better get rid of the connection one month prior to your exams.I was one those people who would study at the last moment .But fortunately,in my case,I had good grasping power so could make up for the earlier loss & could jot down everything at one go.I would not recommend such method.Better start in advance.Try and take notes on your own.Maintain a copy of those notes for later reference.Always get sufficient amount of sleep.Going late for sleep & waking up early for school would cause issues later on.Make sure you body gets enough rest.

Since you say that your parents aren't home most of the time.It's a good idea to spend time with them when they are free.Ask them for guidance if you want.They are the best people to look for advice.It's a sad thing they are not present at most times but I seriously suggest do not take it for granted else you would get addicted for sure.

At the end of the day studies matter whether you like it or not.You have a thing called summer & Diwali vacation right? Rattle your way off on the computer then if you want.Good luck pal.Hope your grades improve.:)
@count dracula-Same was with me.I am currently in 9th giving my final terms.
i used to sit in front of my 17" flatscreen for 5-6 hours continuosly.I used to get 85%+ till 8t but in 9th i just messed up!!
currently i am giving my final terms.I play,compute and study!!
Nowadays,as i am having breaks between exams,i come after giving exams,play A Bit of PC,STUDY,then tutions (science or maths or wahtever) then cricket till 6,then again computer and after that late night study till 3-3.30 AM.Works out quite well for me.
Y'day i gave my SST exam and i attempted it quite well.Now i regret that i could have studied earlier.anyways im expecting 70/80 in SST this time.
I knwo that i have messed this year up but in 10th i WILL work hard.
I have made the schedule for 10th.I hope this can be usefor for u too
2.30-From school
till 3.00-Taking bath,changin clothes etc etc.
3-3.30 eat,watch TV or whatever u liek to do with ur PC
3.30-5-Homework and studies
5-6 ,tutions
6-7-Play outside,sometimes PC
10-11.30-Dinner and PC
and boy u need 8 hours proper sleep so sleep at 7.30!!

And for weekends,(as i have sat off)enjoy whole day study late night!!
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Sangeet Premi
Get you internet connection disconnected during exams if you cant resist the temptation. Would def. work!
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