Can't play WMP10 media inFirefox

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This question is for all firefox users,When I play a Streaming Media content in Firefox which is in WMP format, insted of WMP10, the old WMP6.4 plays it, what is the reason for this, WMP10, or Firefox, is there any plugin to make WMP10 work in FF

an example is


Cyborg Agent
Firefox does play streaming Windows Media in WMP10. Its definitely not a Firefox issue, but something to do with your computer's settings. I am very well able to play the streams from the site and it launches WMP10 by default.


I would advise you to check the file associations in Folder options and see if the stream formats are associated with WMP10 rather than WMP6.40. If not you could always open WMP10's Tools>Options>File Types and hit Select All, hit OK and then try the same process again. You could always come back and uncheck the file types you don't want later.
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