Cant install alien



Okay, I agree that I am a newbie and so I got almost frustrated and write a post on this in this forum. I had some .deb files and I needed them to install them on my computer. Someone suggested to install alien that converts .deb to .rpm files automatically. So i did a search on yum for that but that seemed to be not to be present in my repositories. I googled, found the file, tried to installed it. The package installer told that I need perl-base to install it (I dont know why the hell the package installer resolve the dependencies by itself). searched perl-base, and when I tried installing it, I came to another 3 uninstalled packages. The dependencies seemed on increasing and increasing and I admitted that linux is still not good for installing programs, or better still not good for newbies like me. I was searching for the first package but it didnt download from because of server errors ever time I tried, leaving me frustrated to write a post here. Anyway, what I want is that can anyone here tell me the repository in which alien is present, so that I dont have to google it and install it (and ofcourse the dependencies) in one yum command. I need it badly, and if possible, please provide the link to download the repo so that I can be spared from googling again. Thanks to all in advance. BTW I am on Fedora 14


In the zone
Oct 9, 2010
which deb files do you have? it is often convinient to install a .rpm package than to convert .deb to .rpm to install it. that is because even if you convert .deb to .rpm you would not be able to use them properly if their dependencies are not installed. what adds to the frustration is that you would not be able to know the dependencies of the converted package since they wont be available in your package cache. so it is better to download and install an rpm package via yum to get full support.


but i cant find alien in my repository. Thats why I asked if anyone knows the repository in which alien is present


BIOS Terminator
Apr 29, 2008
download the tarball of alien and compile it. if some libraries required are missing, install them through yum or download them separately. simple..