Calling all Insomniacs..


Cyborg Agent
no ... he is in online trading .... ever heard of ??
Huh?? Come on, Harry and Plasma; what ever gave you the idea that I own or have any connection with that company? I can assure you that I don't. In fact, they're based in Chandigarh and I live 2000 km away from there.

@ichi: Thanks. But like everything else, it has its upsides and downsides.

@mrintech: No, I'm not a doctor, although I've often worked closely with hospitals and I have a deep interest in medical science. I'm in electronics and computers. I suppose I could have got rich years ago if I'd channelled all my efforts in that direction, but money isn't everything. I'm content to work at my own pace as long as I can provide my family with a comfortable (if not luxurious) lifestyle. And I can make my skills more widely useful this way.
oops ... my bad ..:p, ... sorry ...

but please ... do tell me wat u do for a living ... seems like a good option for me :p .... m serious reply ..


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
Good, but since you sound a bit aged than me (us?).. I think you should re-work your sleep cycles. One small research on the internet will testify the ill effects of disturbing one's Circadian Rhythm. Its really bad.

Despite knowing that, I myself cant get right because I get to use Internet during the night only, fu(king it up.
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Cyborg Agent
IronMan, you're right on two counts: 1) I'm one of the older forum members; 2) It would be better if I changed my sleeping habits. But at least it's not as bad as regularly going to bed at, say 3:00 am and getting up again at 7:00 am.

@harryneopotter: What I do and how I started cannot be easily described in a few words and it may sound conceited to others if I talk at length about myself. But since you seem to really want to know, here's some indication of how I spend my time.

I used to do repairs of electronic products from TVs to X-ray machines to industrial machines, but have largely stopped repairing work except for vital machines whose owners have no other option.

Designing acoustic control of halls and churches; also design and installation of sound systems.

Custom designing and building of electronic gadgets.

Informally acting as a consultant to hospitals, govt departments, cable TV, etc (Don't want to be bound by a formal contract).

Long-time member of the state vocational council. We work out vocational courses for students of +2 and provide equipment to selected schools. I'm usually asked to head a team of experts and we specify the necessary hardware and software and choose suppliers from submitted tenders.

Assembling and repairing computers on request (no shop).

Sometimes they ask me to sit in as an expert at the state Public Service Commission to interview govt job applicants.

Sometimes I give 6-month training courses in applied electronics. The students are often a mixed bunch of high school dropouts and engineering graduates.

That's mainly it in short form. Hope no one thinks I was trying to blow my own trumpet.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
@pimpom That was interesting. So you dont really work anywhere formally? If it is, I kinda like that. And about that 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM thing, you were talking about me right?

In other news, we had a kinda riot like thing in college. The problem hasnt yet been resolved.

Actually we (1st year MBBS) were organising this year's new year cultural program, albeit 25 days late than actual Nepalese new year. I was to play guitar in a couple of songs and sing one song myself.

Yesterday Evening

The program proceded fine enough, until some seniors (drunk) land up harassing us backstage. They teased girls too. One of the girls' called her boyfriend who happens to be a Don kinda guy among our batchmates. One of the seniors punched him. Of course, he had to return the 'favor' and things got nasty. They were separated though.

Later, other 4th year seniors arrived, foul mouthed us and bullied us. We got aggressive too, though later we thought the better of it. We organised a group to talk to those seniors involved and get things settled. There were 50-60 1st students from various faculties.

When we went to talk to them, after a long wait we saw them coming. They were foul mouthing and shouting at us from a distance. There werent many of them, but they were aggressive from the start. They tried to push us, slap us, there were many of us though. Things got violent. Bad.

We some some more coming, shouting at us "You wanna hit my friends, %@^($ !! " They had tubelights, steel rods at hand. Chaos. People started running.
They werent too many, but we didnt know if more were coming. We HAD to run!

I got a shot on my back. Wonder what it was, wasnt painful wither but enough to confuse me for a moment and make me trip over a bike in front of me. A lot of other guys fell over too. I got the nail off my big toe. It was bleeding, my slippers had snapped. Still I ran, ran and ran, till they were too far.

It was apparent that there werent too many of them.

Later, when we were back at our hostels, I thought of calling the police. I borrowed my friends' mobile and dialed, but the network was down.

While I was trying, I thought of smoking. Before I could even light my cigarette, I heard people running and shouting. I was sure these guys had come down to hunt us. I dragged myself to a safe corner. One friend followed.

We had been living in the campus premises for years, we knew every nook and corner like no-one else. We could see those ba$tards with heavy steel rods, dragging them on the road, shouting "Stay together! They're dead today!" ..

2-3 minutes later a second group walked the same road. Was really big, I heard my friends' voices. I judged, this should be our group. We went out, introduced ourselves as it was dark. They were all dangerously armed. Cut tubelights, window panes, pointed bamboos, tree branches, curtain rods, what not? We were given Bamboo sticks too.

We searched them for a while, they were'nt anywhere to be found. A lot of friends were missing, we wondered what had happened. My roommate was missing.

Security guards came to confront us. They were just there to make us quiet, they gave a damn about 'our' security.

We discussed matters, threw our arms and went back to hostel. We talked for a while. My roommate was back. Slept at 5:00 AM.


When I woke up, I could hear people shouting and running. 4th year students, damn! Looked at the watch, already 2:00 PM. Damn again! I should have gone home in the morning itself, but then who would have expected them to come out this way in broad daylight?

I pushed the bed to the door. But my roommate came, I had to open. Then few 4th year guys came up, shouted.. but some of them know me and my roommate well enough. They told us to stay in our rooms. Others' were taken and beat, some very badly.

I saw the chance, and after a period of silence, took my valuables and left for home. My dad's a professor there and we stay at hospital quarters. Luckily no-one was out. We had administration and police there at hostel.

For now, my friends are safe and under security protection, though uncomfortable in some other hostel without proper fooding and bedding. No pointers as to when classes will be resumed and things restored back to normal.

And I have never had to run for my life and been so aggressive. At least not at same time.


BSD init pwns System V
Reporting and finding a way to sync iPod Touch with Linux.. if any of you guys have any ideas.. you're most welcome..


Tribal Boy
Was going through this thread - after a long time !

@IronManForever - All ok now ? Which college it is ?

Where is Goobi ? ?


Cyborg Agent
@pimpom That was interesting. So you dont really work anywhere formally? If it is, I kinda like that.
I work quite hard at home with just one assistant, sometimes two. I like variety and innovation, and don't like to be tied down to the same grinding routine day after day. But make no mistake, it has disadvantages too. No colleague to take or share responsibility. As they say, the buck stops here. No boss to grant me paid leave........

And about that 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM thing, you were talking about me right?
Not just you really. I meant everyone who regularly stays up late but has to get up early again. You may not notice the effects immediately, especially when you're young, but the effects accumulate over time. It's bad for the mind as well as for the body.

In other news, we had a kinda riot like thing in college. The problem hasnt yet been resolved.
Sorry to hear about the problem. Medical colleges seem to have the worst disciplinary problems in India. Hope it gets sorted out soon.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
din said:
@IronManForever - All ok now ? Which college it is ?
Our friends are safe, but the problem persists. We are accompanied by security.
Some guys are asking to take back the compain made to the administration, to end all this. But others are firm not to.

Basically 4th yr guys dont meet us and we dont meet 'em. Else, who knows what happens?

College: BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal.

pimpom said:
Not just you really. I meant everyone who regularly stays up late but has to get up early again. You may not notice the effects immediately, especially when you're young, but the effects accumulate over time. It's bad for the mind as well as for the body.

pimpom said:
Sorry to hear about the problem. Medical colleges seem to have the worst disciplinary problems in India. Hope it gets sorted out soon.
India and elsewhere. This was the first time such a thing happened.

Thanks for your concern. :)


Cyborg Agent
As I said earlier, I'm deeply interested in the medical profession. Sometimes I wish I'd gone into it. Some of my relatives won't follow a doctor's prescription until I've approved it :D

A long time ago, during the only time I ever worked under someone else, I helped make a new type of artificial cardiac pacemaker that could be powered from outside the patient's body using cheap ordinary batteries. We also produced a digital patient monitoring system. That was long before such things became commonplace. I was only a technician helping my boss, but he let me contribute some of my design ideas. I was 19.
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