Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the internet?

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Cyborg Agent
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

Pirating is fine in India.But remember You get what you pay.

If you don't buy you won't get multi-player experience and have to be a leecher searching for hacks.


Steam High Templar
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern


Your points are quite valid, but some are stupid.

For example, your smartness is displayed in downloading a pirated copy of a torrent site and then seeding it back and helping the community at large, and then finding a virus free patch for the game which takes considerable patience, but then, you have your own broadband which is quite stupid. You can easily hack your neighbours wifi and use it for your own. If you are good enough you can also block it and use it in its entirety to yourself.
Thanks for the awesome joke lol
You can then even, make DVD copies of the game with the patch and sell it to your friends or rather their friends (since you can't always ask for money from friends) or maybe a bunch of school/college kids who don't have their own broadband or slow internet. This way you can make even more money. You can even buy yourself a nVidia Titan for all you know in the long run. Who knows you might drop out of school to pursue a business in piracy and then buy a mass duplicator and make many DVDs and sell locally. Soon you might see yourself faced with extreme demand and limited supply, fuelled with the low broadband penetration, FUPs or downright laziness. You can open multiple branches in the city and see your business grow. At this point it would be worth investing in greasing some palms as an "insurance". Soon you will have reached the pinnacle of your business success in your town/city making it mandatory that you open nationwide branches. Since you have had considerable experience by now, expanding would be easy. Since you never pay taxes, you will have truck loads of money. After reaching nation wide success, you might attrack a lot of gangsters who will try to extort money from you. Now would be a good idea to side with someone established and get a "premium insurance policy". A few trips to Dubai/Karachi should help.

30 years from now, you would be sipping coffee in an expensive restaurant in the Grand Hyatt, sitting beside Dawood/xyz daddy gangsta in Dubai and showing him off the latest Alienware MXX9000 and telling him, I got this coz this has absolutely no VFM, just like me. It's just that, they don't produce much AAA games these days, so I can only use this for "Angry Birds: Mars edition" and "Plant vs RoboZombies : 8"


In case I have failed to make my point, buy games, save the industry ;)

Buy games, steal bread :p

Stealing Wi-Fi is too cumbersome


Cyborg Agent
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

I guess all the games that you have currently are purchased by you? :hyper:

I don't care about game-coders lol.Why should I?

It was called Game Dev Tycoon.

thanks for the name of the game..
and just to shut your pie hole : i dont play much games..
only play those which are available for free (pure freeware, from Google play) till now..

Stealing Wi-Fi is too cumbersome

@sarath :
see ... you gave him one more idea ..


Pro/An---tagonist xD
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

"I don't care about game-coders lol.Why should I?"

This is the "As long as it doesn't affect me,I don't give a ****" logic. And also, first stop thinking we are all high and mighty and never pirated a game in our lives. Atleast I have. Quite a few infact. But I have also, bought every single game that I liked or anticpated before its release. We are talking about whether or not you "should" pirate games. Thats the conversation. Its not "have you ever pirated a game?"

But I would buy every single game that I play the day I get a job. On the other hand, saying that we should never buy a game and save the money for it is just plain weird.
You are simply not getting the point. If enough people think like you do,there won't be any more games being developed. And don't start the "rich and western people will buy it" dialogue.


Steam High Templar
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

thanks for the name of the game..
and just to shut your pie hole : i dont play much games..
only play those which are available for free (pure freeware, from Google play) till now..

Good,so please chill and enjoy Angry Turds on you Phone/tab

Just for people who don't know *

I also have Mass effect 3 and Darksiders can check my steam and origin accounts if you like
I am simply fed up of buying games.

"I don't care about game-coders lol.Why should I?"

This is the "As long as it doesn't affect me,I don't give a ****" logic. And also, first stop thinking we are all high and mighty and never pirated a game in our lives. Atleast I have. Quite a few infact. But I have also, bought every single game that I liked or anticpated before its release. We are talking about whether or not you "should" pirate games. Thats the conversation. Its not "have you ever pirated a game?"

But I would buy every single game that I play the day I get a job. On the other hand, saying that we should never buy a game and save the money for it is just plain weird.
You are simply not getting the point. If enough people think like you do,there won't be any more games being developed. And don't start the "rich and western people will buy it" dialogue.

There are people who will still buy games,Like CoD fanboys for example.

"I don't care about game-coders lol.Why should I?"

This is the "As long as it doesn't affect me,I don't give a ****" logic. And also, first stop thinking we are all high and mighty and never pirated a game in our lives. Atleast I have. Quite a few infact. But I have also, bought every single game that I liked or anticpated before its release. We are talking about whether or not you "should" pirate games. Thats the conversation. Its not "have you ever pirated a game?"

But I would buy every single game that I play the day I get a job. On the other hand, saying that we should never buy a game and save the money for it is just plain weird.
You are simply not getting the point. If enough people think like you do,there won't be any more games being developed. And don't start the "rich and western people will buy it" dialogue.

There are people who will still buy games,Like CoD fanboys for example.

Isn't something obvious here.


Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

I am more of a console guy and what PC piracy is doing is pushing more developers to make games for consoles both in quantity and quality. From the PC first, console next, the time has come when PC gfx are being reduced to concentrate more on the console dev (Crysis 2 anyone :p )

I was actually shocked to hear the Red Dead Redemption didn't even come to PC :O If that isn't a bad sign..... what is...


Pro/An---tagonist xD
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

"There are people who will still buy games,Like CoD fanboys for example."

That is some retarded logic right there. So you mean to say noone exists anymore who buys anything other than CoD? o_O Wonder why other game studios are still up then. And how on earth do games like bioshock infinite sell? Astonishing. Tiny little mercurial aliens must be buying them I guess.

And noone is judging you. You already said in the first post that you have bought a lot of games before.
Its the "we should not ever buy any more games" logic of yours which is flawed.
If you need to feel good about yourself for wanting to stay a pirate then just ask for it. Stop trying to justify it with some twisted logic which crumbles under basic levels of observation and scrutiny.


Cyborg Agent
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

^^ its not about angry birds..
in fact i have played it just once that too on a friends phone..

and the google play was just an example..
there are lots of freeware games also (flash ones) which just rely on adverts..

and i completely support Jripper on this :
"I don't care about game-coders lol.Why should I?"

This is the "As long as it doesn't affect me,I don't give a ****" logic. And also, first stop thinking we are all high and mighty and never pirated a game in our lives. Atleast I have. Quite a few infact. But I have also, bought every single game that I liked or anticpated before its release. We are talking about whether or not you "should" pirate games. Thats the conversation. Its not "have you ever pirated a game?"

But I would buy every single game that I play the day I get a job. On the other hand, saying that we should never buy a game and save the money for it is just plain weird.
You are simply not getting the point. If enough people think like you do,there won't be any more games being developed. And don't start the "rich and western people will buy it" dialogue.

"There are people who will still buy games,Like CoD fanboys for example."

That is some retarded logic right there. So you mean to say noone exists anymore who buys anything other than CoD? o_O Wonder why other game studios are still up then. And how on earth do games like bioshock infinite sell? Astonishing. Tiny little mercurial aliens must be buying them I guess.

And noone is judging you. You already said in the first post that you have bought a lot of games before.
Its the "we should not ever buy any more games" logic of yours which is flawed.
If you need to feel good about yourself for wanting to stay a pirate then just ask for it. Stop trying to justify it with some twisted logic which crumbles under basic levels of observation and scrutiny.

tell me you did a PHD in English...
man.. your english is just awesome.. really..
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Steam High Templar
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

Isn't something obvious here
@Jripper :

This thread is a fail.I was expecting some trolls to turn up and post some entertaining replies like "Piracy>rapes" or something like that
where is iChaitanya/Chaitanya2106 btw.


Cyborg Agent
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

^^ @commander's spoiler : nobody knows..
maybe he has ditched this id and has made a new one to start things afresh like a good TDF member..

anyways, good creativity there.. ^^ :number1:

we should have kept this for some more time but you said
This thread is a fail


this is the first time i'm seeing one admin and one mod on a single thread for such a long time..


Pro/An---tagonist xD
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

"And I told you not to use the "we are poor" excuse. You are saying the same thing in a different way.
How old are you man? Are you even reading what I am typing out? Or are you just trolling?"

I said this in post number 11. And I will tell you why at times it isn't that obvious. The same reason people propose to a girl on april fool's day(Yes I have seen people do that :p). Because it is often a convenient way out of an argument. So yeah,thats why it wasn't as obvious. Or rather I don't treat it that way.
I am not saying you were not trolling though. I don't remember seeing another senseless thread/post from you in this forum so you could be right and trolling all along. Call me paranoid in that case. :p

I love the drawing though. :p

@mastercool No man I am just an engineer(doomed) :p And thanks,but its normal english. Just with proper punctuation :p


Sith Lord
Staff member
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

valve, thq, sony, electronic arts all had lay-offs in these past few months

so the big corps are getting smaller

and fez is right up there in the charts


Steam High Templar
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

^^ @commander's spoiler : nobody knows..
maybe he has ditched this id and has made a new one to start things afresh like a good TDF member..

anyways, good creativity there.. ^^ :number1:

we should have kept this for some more time but you said


this is the first time i'm seeing one admin and one mod on a single thread for such a long time..

that was the point.make a flame/trollbait title and OP,attract some trolls,and enjoy the entertaining replies in the thread :grin:

please dont ban me :cryeyesout:


Cyborg Agent
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

"And I told you not to use the "we are poor" excuse. You are saying the same thing in a different way.
How old are you man? Are you even reading what I am typing out? Or are you just trolling?"

I said this in post number 11. And I will tell you why at times it isn't that obvious. The same reason people propose to a girl on april fool's day(Yes I have seen people do that :p). Because it is often a convenient way out of an argument. So yeah,thats why it wasn't as obvious. Or rather I don't treat it that way.
I am not saying you were not trolling though. I don't remember seeing another senseless thread/post from you in this forum so you could be right and trolling all along. Call me paranoid in that case. :p

I love the drawing though. :p

@mastercool No man I am just an engineer(doomed) :p And thanks,but its normal english. Just with proper punctuation :p


but i thought, may be some bad day at office or maybe he calculated the total Games Prices he has paid or so..


Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern


On a more serious note, you are free to do what you feel like. No one can force you to buy games or ask you to pirate. But you are wrong in one aspect...

On a much broader perspective, piracy is important for a country like India. It is not just a matter of affordability. Gaming is not taken seriously in India. It is considered expensive and unproductive for a nation highly dependent on the future of young adults. So piracy is atleast doing it's little part in sensitising the populace at large about what these games are all about. If today, right at this moment, everyone stopped pirating then slowly the gaming culture in India, would not necessarily die but rather become defunct. A lot of people would not know of or would have not heard of AAA title like Tomb Raider or Bioshock Infinity for example. A lot of my friends hide and play games since it is such a taboo. If they had to pay for those games, they would rather give up gaming than buy them.

This is the piracy problem of our country.

The good thing about piracy is, it lets a lot more people enjoy gaming and sooner or later they realise that they can support the publishers by buying the game. Although the bigger motivation is getting the game at launch or playing online etc...but our economy progresses, we would have a lot of financially capable gamers, rather than financially strong non-pirating non-gamers. In the long run, piracy would bring a lot more people to buy games as the word spreads.

Now some people pirate games even though they can afford that is cheap :D


Luckily in India, the shift to buying legally is happening slowly, which can be seen in the fact that we have official channels and distributors for new games and have launch releases with respectable sales. Adverts on TV for PS3 and Xbox show that the India gamer is being recognised and respected.

We are also going to see local production of game discs for PS3 soon which is great news.


In the long run as piracy decreases, we might see an Indian gaming developer which might produce quality indigenous games. Maybe some of us would be working for an India gaming company instead of a foreign one.


Things are looking bright :)


Coming to the one line where you were wrong.

Only big corporations get money from us buying games,While the Publishers get richer,while we get poorer for buying software meant for time-pass,Finish and Delete.

This one line eeks of immaturity and I am not saying this in a bad way. Well, it is just plain wrong. Don't say that. You can pirate all you want but not using this stupid excuse.

Now you are just an average gamer but as you grow older, you will want to learn more about the developers, their next releases, whats happening in the gaming industry etc. You will realise that just like how you will grow up to get a job and earn and have a family, so do the developers who produce games. At the end of the day, even they need to earn and live like the rest of us. Also if you follow the gaming industry properly you will realise that it is running at a loss and is declining. We will have fewer games as time progresses. Many studios are shutting down and if this carries on, we won't have many quality games to play. Infact many are shifting to mobile and tablet gaming which is looking more lucrative right now. It takes really long to develop at game and it takes considerable skill and effort.

Even if you pirate the game, atleast respect the game and the people working behind it. So please don't use that as an excuse.


Steam High Templar
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern


On a more serious note, you are free to do what you feel like. No one can force you to buy games or ask you to pirate. But you are wrong in one aspect...

On a much broader perspective, piracy is important for a country like India. It is not just a matter of affordability. Gaming is not taken seriously in India. It is considered expensive and unproductive for a nation highly dependent on the future of young adults. So piracy is atleast doing it's little part in sensitising the populace at large about what these games are all about. If today, right at this moment, everyone stopped pirating then slowly the gaming culture in India, would not necessarily die but rather become defunct. A lot of people would not know of or would have not heard of AAA title like Tomb Raider or Bioshock Infinity for example. A lot of my friends hide and play games since it is such a taboo. If they had to pay for those games, they would rather give up gaming than buy them.

This is the piracy problem of our country.

The good thing about piracy is, it lets a lot more people enjoy gaming and sooner or later they realise that they can support the publishers by buying the game. Although the bigger motivation is getting the game at launch or playing online etc...but our economy progresses, we would have a lot of financially capable gamers, rather than financially strong non-pirating non-gamers. In the long run, piracy would bring a lot more people to buy games as the word spreads.

Now some people pirate games even though they can afford that is cheap :D


Luckily in India, the shift to buying legally is happening slowly, which can be seen in the fact that we have official channels and distributors for new games and have launch releases with respectable sales. Adverts on TV for PS3 and Xbox show that the India gamer is being recognised and respected.

We are also going to see local production of game discs for PS3 soon which is great news.


In the long run as piracy decreases, we might see an Indian gaming developer which might produce quality indigenous games. Maybe some of us would be working for an India gaming company instead of a foreign one.


Things are looking bright :)
Coming to the one line where you were wrong.
This one line eeks of immaturity and I am not saying this in a bad way. Well, it is just plain wrong. Don't say that. You can pirate all you want but not using this stupid excuse.

Now you are just an average gamer but as you grow older, you will want to learn more about the developers, their next releases, whats happening in the gaming industry etc. You will realise that just like how you will grow up to get a job and earn and have a family, so do the developers who produce games. At the end of the day, even they need to earn and live like the rest of us. Also if you follow the gaming industry properly you will realise that it is running at a loss and is declining. We will have fewer games as time progresses. Many studios are shutting down and if this carries on, we won't have many quality games to play. Infact many are shifting to mobile and tablet gaming which is looking more lucrative right now. It takes really long to develop at game and it takes considerable skill and effort.

Even if you pirate the game, atleast respect the game and the people working behind it. So please don't use that as an excuse.

Why didn't this thread attract enough trolls :cry:

The quote for which you have replied stuff in bold,is the standard reply what pirates give in defense of piracy(I am saying this with experience,after a little "incident" that happened on serial gamers group on FB)
I was trying to imitate the standard "People who buy games are fools" pirate


Steam High Templar
Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

I am sorry to say but you failed as a trollbait

Will shut this thread down by the end of the day :)

I know :cryeyesout:
I tried a similar trick on IVG but everyone said it was too obvious

I will never become a troll :cry: :cry:


Re: Buying games is a waste of money,Why should we buy when we can download for free from the intern

I know :cryeyesout:
I tried a similar trick on IVG but everyone said it was too obvious

I will never become a troll :cry: :cry:

Thread title is way too long. It was obvious when I read it.
Instead you should have written 'Is buying games good for us?' or 'I'm broke because I don't pirate' something similar. :lol:
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