BSOD while installing xp

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Right off the assembly line
Amd 2500+
1 stick of 256 RAM at 333mhz
ATI Radeon 9200
Seagate Barracuda 80 gb
Windows XP on 51gb partition
Windows 98 on 17 gb partition
Linux Red Hat 9.0 on 8gb partition

The motherboard was just **** so i changed e motherboard to msi k7n2 delta and i changed the ram to 2 256 sticks running at 400mhz each but when i tried to boot into any of the OS's they all gave errors ok so i knew that would happen i formatted each of the drives and merged them to a 76gb drive (what it originally is) and now when i try to install fresh install the blue screen comes and says something about "bad pool caller" in it i have tried for a long time so i need help badly ...please tell if any more info needed ...thanks for all the help


Try removing one of the Ram chips and installing. Also, you could do a search in Google on the exact error text. This would give you some idea about the source of your problem. :)
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