Browser Speed Tests: Latest Firefox Is Faster, but Not as Fast as Google Chrome

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Bond, Desi Bond!


This is interesting. As per pcworld tests, here is the ranking as per average time taken to load certain pages:

1) Chrome - 1.70 seconds
2) FF - 1.76
3) IE 8 - 1.83
4) Safari 4 - 1.96
5) Opera 10 beta (wouln't count this as it is in beta stage) - 2.93

hmm. Someone was saying that Safari is the fastest in the world!!!

anyways, Chrome still keeps its nose ahead in the race


Bond, Desi Bond!
they are on broadband-on-steroids connection. hence diff is few milliseconds. we are on broadband-on-standby connection. it does matter :)


Human Spambot
Firefox 3.5 is indeed the fastest browser in the planet. But, hay! wait. The monster Opera 10 Is on it's way....The best browser in the planet which is lightweight too and doesn't require any addons for IRC,Adblocking,etc.


Finally i tried the dev version of Chrome for Linux in Debian and to tell you the truth, the interface and the speed is very, very good. Page loaded so fast but then again, old habits die hard and I went and embraced my beloved Opera :D


Human Spambot
checked chrome. More than i expected both on interface and speeds. I tried to resist my self to keep away from opera and to browse in chrome.well, atleast for 10 minutes. But failed, coz on the 11th minute i found myself being browsing in opera.:))


Super Moderator
Staff member
Just go here and check the speed of the JS engines yourself: *

Tests by different magazines suck anyways.

Opera 10 is the fastest in HTML/CSS rendering from what I've felt. Though JS engine is still slow. Firefox 3.5 has a blazing fast JS engine but it's still not as fast as Google Chrome's. Both use the Tracemonkey JS engine though.

But what else does Google Chrome has apart from it's blazing fast JS engine? :lol: Just an overhyped browser IMO.

Opera = all in one package. No need of extensions. Whereas, the extensions of Firefox make it unbeatable.

Opera user over here. ;)

IE8 being faster is a joke: *
:lol: See the screenshot. :lol:
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Jack Sparrow
Used worked for few mins that too only for google sites...but crashed crashed...hey again crashed...i dont knw if code is too complex or m clicking so fast..:D

Opera my favorite...

FF only for video downloads...and when i dont feel like doing anything special..:D

and hey y didnt they test opera with any version of 9?


tHe nEw gEEk......ITian
using chrome for past few months........nd it rocks......
windows m/c- chrome
linux m/c - FF

so both rocks for me :D
btw, for me opens faster in Chrome than FF.


they are on broadband-on-steroids connection. hence diff is few milliseconds. we are on broadband-on-standby connection. it does matter :)

i dunno if i m correct or wrong,but data transfer time will b same on all browsers regardless of broadband speed.:confused: rendering time will only differ n dat will be only a difference of few milliseonds liek this test say./ data transfer must have taken almost the same time in this only rendering time is different which again is only few miliseconds


thats wht i m saying....say it took 9.2s to load youtube in firefox. 9s download time + 0.2s rendering time.

in google chrome, it will again be like 9.1s to load youtube. 9s data transfer time + 0.1s rendering time.

difference will be in miliseconds regardless of broadband connection u use.
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