bios update


Broken In
dear friends,
i want to update my mobo's bios but i am not expert. recently i installed a software "biosagentplus" it scanned my my pc for latest drivers. it is showing that bios update is available for my pc. can i use this soft to update my bios. is it safe? would this be able to update my mobo's bios. please help me out.

Vignesh B

Completely agree with what whitestar has said.
Anyway, I won't be installing any system critical update using a 3rd party software. Check out your motherboards's support page on its manufacturers website. If it contains some major update like fixing some critical issue and you're hell bent on installing the update, read the instructions given in the manual or on the support page to the word. Any issue while updating will make your system unusable and you would need to send your motherboard for RMA.


Most motherboard manufacturers provide thier own bios update software. You can use those. Make sure that you have UPS back up. I have
flashed my bios 5 times without any problems.