best quality earphones to go with my nano 5th gen around 1000rs


Broken In
i just got a nano and the bundled cans sure suk..
so i m thinking of buying some new ones..
i listen to all kinda stuff from kesha to bullet for my valentine so i need some good balanced earbuds which cud handle my library with kinda wow! factor..
i currently have used philips shh4520 and sony xd100 bt want better....
i heard tht skull candy ink'd r kinda gud..
or shall i go for sennheiser md500?
or sumthing from sony perhaps...
pls help me out here.....


Staff member
both are same but aesthetically ex35lp looks more professional. 33lp looks girly.


Staff member
no idea, but if you are a bass maniac then ex35lp will let you down as it keeps the natural tone of sound. Bass is deep but not insanely high.

Cool Buddy

Wise Old Owl
What would be the market price of EX35LP? It's listed for 990 (MRP) on
I have heard a lot about ep630, and they say it has a good bass, how does the sony compare to the creative in that depart. I love strong bass but prefer clear mids. And I'm thinking of buying one too. That's why asking.


Staff member
Sony is natural sounding deep bass. Otherwise if u like autowallah (supposedly good) bass then idk. :/

Cool Buddy

Wise Old Owl
hello, what do you mean by auto wallah? got any idea about low frequency sound? that's what I was trying to ask, whether the bass is good or not, headphones are not woofers. so according to you, since ep630 has a better bass than the sony one so ep630 is preferable for autowallah's? what a stupid reply