batman arkhman city level finish - jokers office


I recently bought Batman arkhman city. It is really nice and has great graphics. But I thought many of u guys might be getting struck on the level where u get power gun to boost electronics. You have get into the jokers office. After u have powered the motor the crane will get stuck in the door....

- just press the R2 button if u had pressed the R1 button or vice-versa....

The crane will get released from the door.


wats the good of it. anyone getting stuck simply must have referred to online forums or instructions. no one is that much patient enough to have waited this long for tip. lol


In the zone
finished that game long time ago, as per i can remember i did nt stucked anywhere in hole story. Nice game though.


^^actually thats not a bug. its only a matter of chance. for exprncd players it doesnt pose any probs. its a noob thing!!