Basic tips for mobile care


In the zone
Every second person on the planet and sometimes I think a little more than that number, is a mobile phone user. Handsets themselves are designed in all possible shapes and sizes and directed at various demographics. It’s because of this insane, virtually unlimited variety that we tend to take a handset’s maintenance for granted. Looking after the handset is usually not something that we would pay too much of attention to. Let’s face it, it’s not high on our list of to-dos. But, mobile maintenance is very important for the longevity of the device. It’s the little things like dust and sedimentation that can be quite harmful to the handset in the long run. Of course, these tips are not for the hardcore mobile users, although, I do know a few who have been using handsets since day one and have no idea how to take care of them.
Basic tips for mobile care

Also for those who came in late. :D
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