Bad experience at lamington


Next time I go to Lamington, Im going straight to this shop. Will act noobish for a while and then when he thinks he's got a "bakra" I'll get all techie and try to trap him in his words. And if he tries to con some poor ignorant guy I'll teach him a lesson. I hate some of the shopkeepers at lamington...they are absolute nut jobs! Especially the ones who think they are computer gurus!
The sad part is that most customers there dont know abt primeabgb @ lamington. Coz its in a building and most ppl dont go up to check. Also shops bad-mouth prime saying they overprice and sell imported stuff and its not worth the money!!

The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
Respect your own time and effort. Be smart and help people to avoid such shops rather than trying to make horse out of donkeys.


Ambassador of Buzz
I'm not particularly sure about laws in Maharashtra state but if someone tried this kind of thing in Canada they would get slapped with a lawsuit so fast it would make their head spin


Cyborg Agent
BHU5han that is a good idea.

Just start a new thread in service and RMA section. I had this idea. Bur using net from mobile phone.


Sith Lord
Staff member
yes, always buy what you want and not what the shop wants you to buy ive seen many people do this mistake in front of my eyes after giving them configs, often it takes some time to get the particular components from the same place, so the shops try to sell what they have, and for this reason I prefer more local shops willing to source the parts you need rather than go to Lamington Road, as the price difference is only 200-400 rupees, and they charge a steady rate, not bill according to customer noticed many shady things going on in the shops over there (Lamington), and they all think that they are the ultimate experts,


BMG ftw!!
someone should start thread called "Shops/Vendors blacklist thread for newbies"

Bad Idea.
Reason: the difference in opinion will create bigger problem in this forum than the existing real-life problem.

On topic: Guys, please, please try to compare the price of the same thing from different shops, and don't get fooled by the speech of the shop-owner. Most of the time they won't be honest with you. And how can you believe a person whom you don't even know?? Deal with a shop for at least 2-3 years with your satisfaction before starting to believing that shop owner. (now work all the time though)