Autoreply to mails.

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Right off the assembly line
In common email client softwares like Outlook Express, is there any option to automatically reply to the new mails. Also suggest other softwares in which such option is available.

Eg. If I am not in my office for say one week, I want to inform all email senders that I will be replying to their mail once I am back.

Can anyone help me?



There is a way to do it in OE (by making a rule), but its pathetic to say the least. The reply is sent as an attachment :roll: and the mail is kept in outbox. You have to sent it. Only thing that it does is that it saves you from the trouble of composing.

But you want it done in a different way. OE or any mail client can't do this for you. What you want can be done only at the server side. See if your ISP provides this service.
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