Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood


Aspiring Novelist

Official Web Page: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Genre: Action/Adventure
Release date: November 16, 2010 (North American) [X360 & PS3]; February 22, 2011 (North America) [PC]

Game Description:

The critically acclaimed single-player experience of Assassin's Creed is back and better than ever as Ezio returns in an epic struggle against the powerful Templar Order. Now a legendary Master Assassin, he must journey into Italy's greatest city, Rome, center of power, greed and corruption to strike at the heart of the enemy. Defeating the corrupt tyrants entrenched there will require not only strength, but leadership, as Ezio commands an entire Brotherhood that will rally to his side. Only by working together can the Assassins defeat their mortal enemies.

Game Features:

* Choose from multiple authentic character classes, each with their own signature weapons and killing moves. With richly-detailed maps and a wide variety of unique multiplayer modes, you'll never fight the same way twice
* As Ezio, a legendary Master Assassin, experience over 15 hours of single player gameplay set in the living, breathing, unpredictable city of Rome
* Recruit and train promising young Assassins. Deploy them across the city as you see fit, or call upon them to aid you in your quests
* Collaborate with real historical characters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolo Machiavelli and Caterina Sforza
* Swiftly eliminate your enemies using tools such as poison darts, parachutes, double hidden blades, hidden guns, and an advanced flying machine at your disposal







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Aspiring Novelist
Geek, Where the hell are you? The brotherhood beckons your presence. :-D

I'll give you a sneak preview of the game tomorrow. We'll finally see how Ezio and his Brotherhood progress in Rome.


Long Live Gojira!


Oh Lord!






Geek, Where the hell are you? The brotherhood beckons your presence. :-D

I'll give you a sneak preview of the game tomorrow. We'll finally see how Ezio and his Brotherhood progress in Rome.

Sorry, 'cause I fainted and I woke up now. But, here I am! And... err.... please, pleeeaaassseee no previews! Or I'll die.

Ezio kicks Nomad's ass REAL HARD!! Yep, there ye go people.
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Human Spambot
please don't quote images and please don't post paradoxical posts that contradicts with your previous posts (IIRC, you posted something different in game addiction thread) :)

@all 360 folks,

I heard that pre release copy of brotherhood has problems with new drives (LT drives, i think). Is it?
Alright folks, 'Mission Brotherhood' was a major failure. At least for me and Ethan.

At 0900 hours this morning, I had gathered all the intel and the mission was a go. Popped in the disc in the Xbox 360 drive and there it was, the "can't read the disc" error. Apparently, the enemy i.e. Microsoft has introduced a new form of disc-checking for the new games.

All the crap aside, I was really excited about this game and now I'm pissed. Pissed bad.


Super Moderator
Staff member

I'd like to emphasize on the fact that what you sometimes post is considered spam. I can cite examples if I want. If this doesn't stop, then the super moderators here are thinking of taking some kind of action. And please use sane sentences.

Sorry, 'cause I fainted and I woke up now. But, here I am! And... err.... please, pleeeaaassseee no previews! Or I'll die.

Ezio kicks Nomad's ass REAL HARD!! Yep, there ye go people.

I'm pretty darned sure you're not going to answer this one correctly, but I'll ask anyway. How old are you?

You see, we all are excited about games. Heck I was so bloody pumped up this morning, I set an alarm for 7AM just to burn the game, play it and post my first impressions on the forum. What turned out to be is a completely different story. But my point is that you have to stop posting like a junkie who's high on Marijuana. Your posts don't mean squat to most of the members around here.

The sole reason why you're still here is that some of us don't want you to be banned. The other day, me, Vamsi and Ico were talking about you on the IRC. Ico wanted to ban you but Vamsi talked him out of it. To be honest, I was voting for a ban. It's becoming really hard to put up with all the non-sense that you post. Half the time I can't even make out anything from your posts. I don't like the way you post at all. Now that was about me. Other members don't think all that well of you either. I won't take names though.

I didn't really mean to come hard at you but I wanted to present my opinion of you to everyone, and of course, to you. So, please stop screwing around and try to contribute something related to, maybe, gaming... :| I'm sick of your psychotic rants about Ezio, Nomad and whoever the hell it is you spam about.

I sincerely hope you don't turn a blind eye to this post and give a thought to it. A deep one at that.


please don't quote images and please don't post paradoxical posts that contradicts with your previous posts (IIRC, you posted something different in game addiction thread) :)

@all 360 folks,

I heard that pre release copy of brotherhood has problems with new drives (LT drives, i think). Is it?

I'll purchase it.


Super Moderator
Staff member
LOL. Flames again.

No spammin' from here on. Y'all know I love Ezio and Nomad, right? That's 'nuff for me.
When a user is angry with you, just give him a proper reason or explanation, instead of just ignoring him/her. Sunny typed almost 3 paragraphs to tell you how irritated his is, but you ignored him in just 1 line. Now, people don't like that attitude. If I recall correctly, users like Ethan_Hunt, vamsi_krishna etc. tried to warn you. And I think Ethan_hunt kept you in ignore list for quite a long time. These are just few examples on how pissed users were at you. Inspite of receiving many complaints, moderators spared you because they thought you just need time to mingle or grow up. But the sad thing is that you are doing the same even today. But most of the TDF members here care about you..that's why they report less..but will send PMs to admins/mods to just warn you.

And I repeat.. You've reached your limit. If I receive one more PMs about your 3/4 language, your irritatingly sized quotes or words like "phuc", "darn", "Sh!t" etc. you will have to face the consequences. This forum has been very patient with you. If you were in any other forum with this attitude, I would bet that you would have been kicked out there ages ago.

And, I think you are a good gamer. Please try to show that in your posts by writing legible sentences and words. The weird Texan accent that you try to imply in your post can be considered as offensive to the people who speak those accent, because of the tone and intensity of the that. Please post in sane sentences. No one here is telling you to hide your feelings for "Ezio Auditore da Firenze" or "Nomad, the nanosuit man." I'm telling you to write in a way that will increase their respect and not decreasing instead.

Ok, NVIDIAGeek. I think, you've realized the mistake you have been doing all the time. Now we all suppose you to stay that way. We all assume that there won't be any obnoxiously irritating posts of yours.

And, I hope that you'll continue with a good decorum and be active in our forum. I also hope that I haven't wasted my time posting this thread.

All the best :)
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