asking about FarCry

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I played many FPS games like FEAR DOOM3 RTCW MaxPayne 1 2 SWAT COD SOF many others also . However just few days ago I saw one parson was asking about a game named FARCRY in a game shop . previously I havent heard about that game . later that evening I searched the net about FARCRY . the games seems to be interesting it worth play ? I mean is it like if I dont play this game I will miss something? does it got enough adventure/ scare/ or any other facts which made it excellent ???


Welcome To The Jungle
i m surprised u haven't heard abt farcry, i guess u sudn't belong to gamimg world. jus chek out farcry, amazing. graphics too good, gameply is excellent, levels are really tough. u will certainly miss if u dont play.

Third Eye

gooby pls
56561 said:
I played many FPS games like FEAR DOOM3 RTCW MaxPayne 1 2 SWAT COD SOF many others also . However just few days ago I saw one parson was asking about a game named FARCRY in a game shop . previously I havent heard about that game . later that evening I searched the net about FARCRY . the games seems to be interesting it worth play ? I mean is it like if I dont play this game I will miss something? does it got enough adventure/ scare/ or any other facts which made it excellent ???

FarCry is a great game with awesome graphics and sound,levels are cool,there are 20 levels in it.


Aspiring Novelist
IMO Far Cry should be immediately should be picked up without giving a second thought.The game is a true visual beatuy and if you have a medium or a high end graphic card then you could possibly get the best graphics you have ever seen till date.The game blends fps and stealth quite brilliantly.The weapon ranges too are excellent.For first timers the game would be really difficult even at the lowest difficulty setting but once you get used to the gameplay it will be a complete treat.I suppose tarey_g would give you a better low down on the entire game as the bugger has completed the game at the high difficulty (Dam!).


A gamer will automatically will pick up game like far cry, FEAR etc.....if not yet played then ur certainly missing something GREAT......


Welcome To The Jungle
hey even we completed in highest difficulty, its really tough and lot of stealth is required. 1 shot and u r dead. enemies are superb.


actually I play games frequently , if I somehow miss a good game that dosent mean that I 'sudn't belong to gamimg world' . anyway I have 6600 LE + AMD 3000+ and 1 gb ram , I think that is enough for farcry? it is how many cd game ? like FEAR is 4 cd game

Third Eye

gooby pls
You can play it on High Setting 1024X768 Resolution,i have DVD version of farcry,don't know of cd's.


Manchester United
Farcry has 5 installation CD's. Don't waste any time here posting. Just go to the nearest CD shop and pick up your copy. Farcry was one of the games of the year 2004. I am surprised that you are familiar with Doom3, FEAR, Max Payne, Soldier of Fortune, etc. and still you haven't heard of it.

Anyway, happy shooting down the mercenaries and tridgens.


Salieri Family
What is the Uniqueness of Farcry( Apart from design aspects like graphics/AI)... which separates from other games.. Is it JUST ANOTHER FPS??? How is the gameplay? I have heard that Water Simulation in Farcry is simply superb.. So want to check out it. Why is it so hard as u people say? What makes it so hard??


Well Farcry has best outdoor levels I have ever seen in any other game . Yeah they look rather unrealistic but they are just gorgeous. Indeed the water is superb , not as good as Half Life but it's unique. Gameplay is great ! Enemies just don't stop moving , You'd have a really hard time aiming at them. They hide behind anything which can provide protection .... and well why don't you read some reviews and look at some screenshots ?


Hanging, since 2004..
Farcry should be in every gamers collection, I have two copies :D one came free with my nvidia card.


Aspiring Novelist
@hard_rock:The game is a mix of stealth and FPS in terms of gameplay.You can either run & gun (& get killed that way) or go tactically & avoid many unwanted enemies.The AI is so cunning that it just won't behave in the traditional manner that every other FPS game does.They just don't stand there firing at you till we nuke them off.They run & take cover,check our position,throw grenades & do endless stuff.That's the beauty of this game.

Visually the game stands apart from all of the other FPS's.Reason:Crytek's brilliant level designs & environment rendering.For a game which came out in 2004 & still gives a strong competition to current crop of games is something to write home about.The water effects are the best aspect & feels extremely life like a la Half Life 2.Heck you can even shoot fish in the water & they die.:D The game has some extreme physics detail too.If you have seen a few gameplay videos of Crysis (based on Crytek 2 engine) then you could imagine how reputable these developers are.Trust me it's a game which you shouldn't miss at any cost.


In the zone
but one visual problem I got while playing a game based on FarCry (Cryengine )it is floating guns ...............if u kill an enemy.when u move towards him to take his guns/ammo u often see his guns r floating above the ground level .But I think FEAR's display is much better than FarCry .

Lets see CRYsis..that was developed based on CRYengine2 . So it should be much more advanced .. have anyone experienced any game based on CryEngine 2 ???


Hanging, since 2004..
Crysis is the first game to be released on cryengine2 (Most advanced game engine yet), no one else has licensed the engine yet to develop a game.
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