Apple relaunching 8GB iPhone 4 in India to boost sales

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Geek in making
And ios 7 is not what we have seen on recent deices. It lacks nearly all the ios 7 features including notification panel as well


Sith Lord
Staff member
not only compete but people will go gaga over this cause "Apple" at 15k :facepalm:

why should they not? 3% if smartphones in india are apple. guesstimate that this will correct upwards and at least another 2-4% added to correct this dismal figure, to bring towards par with the market share of apple in other countries. even if a vocal percentage of them are blind classy nub snobs, they are still a marginal minority.


Thankfully the quality of this thread is much higher. So I'll just be infracting/banning a couple of people. :D

On topic, anyone who has used iOS 7 on an iPhone 4 will know that the phone becomes very laggy. Apple should not have brought the latest update to the phone. At least, they should have brought a stripped down version that did not lag. That's why I think it is a bad idea to re-launch this phone, even at 15k. There is no excuse for compromise in quality.

But people will buy it and they will get an experience on par with any Android phone in that range. At least iPhones don't become unusable in a few months, unlike Android phones. At the moment, I think Windows Phone is the best option in the 8k-20k range.


Cyborg Agent
Well, we all expected budget 5c at less than 30k and we all know the scale of Apple now. I would be certainly surprised if iPhone 4 comes at less than 20k, though it is a 4 year old product. This also affirms our perception of Apple's perception on India (as a dumping ground).


And ios 7 is not what we have seen on recent deices. It lacks nearly all the ios 7 features including notification panel as well

Where did you come across this crap? I just checked an iPhone 4. The notification panel is there and so are most iOS 7 features such as parallax view. It doesn't have AirDrop and a couple of other features due to hardware limitations, but your post still is factually incorrect.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I think iPhone 4 is slow with iOS 7. A present day's Micromax around the same price of a new iPhone 4 is more snappier. Saying by experience, not being a fanboy. :)


Sith Lord
Staff member
yep. there is no hard evidence yet, but they will mostly ship with 7. enough to make even a fan lose interest in the offer.
the 4 is still available in stores at ridiculous prices, despite being officially discontinued at 5S launch. so maybe apple is actually doing the dumping ground a favor by officially getting it back and reducing the prices. and btw these phones and even previous versions are on shelves in many countries, not just India.


Digital Marketer
Ios 7 on iphone 4 is crap. At least they should ship the same with iOS6. Though we feel they treat India as a dumping ground, still they're not dumping some crap. They're dumping good quality product, though 4 years old, yet still pretty much valid in today's era.
It's not always about hardware/specs only. It's about content as well.

Too much hypocrisy in this country :(


btw there is no reason to hate the company, hate for what that they make good products and are good at marketing they are just doing their job and maximizing profits. Hate the people.


Conversation Architect
what this reminds me is of girls repeated making the same picture as their facebook DP so that it shows up on more people's newsfeed and get them more 'like's :p


The Power of x480
Staff member
Alright.. so since my posts was deleted due to TDF recovering to some old database.. lemme post it again.

Even if I don't like Apple (hate is a strong word) I could have recommended friends (who are looking to find a good phone at 15k price) an iPhone 4.

BUT, the fact that Apple is collecting all the iPhone 4 from All around the world which were not sold and sending it to India in a hope that iSheeps out there *will* buy the phones makes me feel s**t about my country. India won't be a dumping ground. I will not let it be.

Hence I resent this move by Apple.

Thanks Google cache: *


No country is a dumping ground for Apple or for any other company.

Let me fix the DUMPING GROUND Argument once in for all. It all boils down to pure Economics and Business.

Scarcity is what you should be looking at.

No matter how many factories in china work 24x7, you just can't keep up with the demand. The high quality production factories themselves are scarce! And them the components themselves are limited, every now and then you see in the news companies running out of displays or somesh1t like that.

So in a limited time, you can produce only limited phones.

First serve the primary markets where you profit a lot. Then sell in the secondary market when demand in the primary market starts to fall and profit more, that's all is the logic.

Apple India's revenue ? 1 billion!
Apple world wide revenue ? 170.910 billion

So if iPhones are in limited supply why the hell sell in INDIA, Steve JOBS would have been considered the dumbest CEO. But you all know he is not.

Read this article.. severe iphone 5 shortage.. means price it insanely high.. and sell older ones at cheaper price.
Apple profit shrinks to a third, sales rise 51% to Rs 3,030 crore in FY13 - Economic Times

In short, in case of limited supply sell where you profit most then sell else where.

If Apple had SUPPLY = DEMAND, they would launch on Day 1 in all countries. In this ideal case apple would have maximum profit in shortest time. But the Economics of world prohibit it.

And also when you have slightly excess surplus, sell it where there is demand. Its here in India, which means indians are better off buying the phone than not being able to afford at all. Here I say phone becuase it could be any company in its place, be it Samsung or apple.

The only sad thing is all profits are going to US company not an Indian company.


Sith Lord
Staff member
^yup. makes a lot of sense. especially the bit about why would apple sell phones in india when it can make more profits out of those phones elsewhere.

here, thew news is distributers and resellers going to apple and saying, we need more iphones to sell. not apple coming to them with unsold stocks. the unsold stock usually affects these middlemen, who are the actual "customers". an unsold inventory will be more say verizon or vodafone's problem than apple's.
distributers and resellers are offering the iphone 4 in US also, under similar schemes, and dont yet see the iPhone 4 listed in the official indian site. don't think it will be again, so will believe in this "re-launch" when it happens

read some of the indian news reports on this news. the statements by fandroids here are actually much more sensible and much less biased and wrong than these news reports. these reporters need some serious basic training.
they refer to entirety of own country as underdeveloped in an article about phones. whereas international publications talk only of the indian smartphone market, and even they are polite enough to call it emerging or at least developing.
these articles talks about some phantom desire by everyone to have iphone. lol wat is this desire thing, at least call it "premium". even if this is true, it does not actually translate to sales. people dont buy iphones for aspiration alone. if so, this anyway does not change the capacity or intent of the device. it is a workhorse, not a show pony.
sure many phones are better specced, but the specs on the 4 is not nearly "obsolete" yet, the phones were manufactured till late 2013.
comparison to mid range droids. wow. didn't expect that. it's not the same thing. you cannot play infinity blade 3, deus ex, pvzII on day of release on any other platform.

at this point not buying the iphone because its old and less specced is at least a little more hipster than just getting one

those iphones 4 still available in US? yeah some of them come with iOS4! that can be fun. so donno we will get with 4 or 6 or 7. either way guess they all will only be upgradeable to 7.


Grand Master
My friend is going to buy this...and he is very happy that its price has come down...he says it looks good then almost all handsets in that works much smoothly then even 1GB+android 4.2.2 and it is pocketable, and lastly it have that wow effect of apple which others dont have


In the zone
My friend is going to buy this...and he is very happy that its price has come down...he says it looks good then almost all handsets in that works much smoothly then even 1GB+android 4.2.2 and it is pocketable, and lastly it have that wow effect of apple which others dont have

At 15000 (without any buyback) iphone 4 is very good mobile for most people . Better than Samsung grand ,duos etc and chinese mobiles and clones . Good quality ,durbale ,style it has everything . Its camera is better than most mid range android .

My relatives wanted to buy a mobile in 15k-20k range and they bought grand/core and duos as they trust only samsung (no chinese or sony etc) . For them iphone 4 will be better. Most indians are brand conscious and they will choose iphone 4 over Moto x .


Alakh Niranjan
yup for them apple is APPLE and moto is a US based company sold to google :D

very true :D
like someone said in June 2003 - how can i pay this much on Dhirubhai Ambani Pioneer Offer for a mobile connection? what if the company runs away with my money?
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