Anyways to run Dragon Age Inquisition on (Dual Core CPUs )Intel G3220 ???

Hey guys, just upgraded my PC to Intel G3220 and Ati Radeon R7 250 1GB DDR5

It seems the game requires Quad Core CPUs

I have managed to run the game.. I get around 30-40 fps with Medium settings at 1366x768

However, there are the occasional stutters and sometimes the game simply crashes to error popups. Juts BAM!! right back to desktop.

I tried the Dual Core fix using Injector v3.3 but that didnt help, CPU utilization is still bordering 98-99%.

Will updating the patch help? has Bioware completely kicked all Dual Core CPU users right in the groin??
Is there any other workaround for this issue.
The thing is that the game actually runs smoothly but time after time it just crashes to desktop..and i am sure its becuase of the extremely high CPU utilization.
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