Android vs symbian vs Maemo vs winpho 7 vs iOS. Let's fight


The Devil's Advocate
Zune is an app for Music & movie management, that is all what it should be. It needs to be lean & fast else it will go the way iTunes is today, a bloated application.

QFT. Broadcom BCM2727 & that camera FTW.

That alone cannot be taken as the reason for an OS' superiority. People have different needs. For example, I don't play games on phone but SMS/talk a lot so the conversation view of SMS matters more to me then games.

Zune Pass is also in India now, right? I haven't paid attention so correct me if I am wrong.

In India, we pirate music over torrents or copy from a friend. So having Zune pass or iTunes is nullified here.

Nokia Ovi music store has taken a good approach though as you can buy songs free for 1 or 2 years which is enough to get anyone addicted & after which Nokia can charge for the service as users are already hooked.


Pass isn't there in India, marketplace is if I'm right.
I know about the PSphone and as interesting it sounds, I don't care. Xbox LIVE >> PSN. So it took approx an year? ANd you won't even give WP7 a month!

The PSP Phone is a gaming-oriented device with physical gaming buttons and PSP, as you might know has a huge library of impressive games that will surely take a lot of catching up to. Please don't compare touch-based devices to PSP/PSP Phone.


You gave been GXified
who cares when one has 3G with awesome data plan. No need to organize music, no need to fear losing music blah blah blah. Just stream. And trust me, streaming is the next big thing.

Which tells us why battery of Android phones doesn't last even a day :p.

Streaming is good in your opinion. In my opinion, saving the song to phone's memory & memory card is better utilization of resources.

Zune, Nokia Ovi store lets me do this. Android phones also do but there stance that streaming is the best approach is wrong.


Dude, did you not get the memo? Kids shouldn't talk when elders are talking?

Like I said, no personal attacks. I have lot of respect for Vamsi. He urged many old TDFer to come back to the forum. The only reason why I looked at TDF is because of Vamsi. So, Repsect!

Exactly. Vamsi and few other guys have kept the forum alive till now so you can fight here (not literally).


Super Moderator
Staff member
Symbian is bleech. Don't mention it again.

Maemo could have been very competitive if pushed properly by Nokia. Nokia had a great device and great OS at their feet already last year itself, but they didn't push it. And actually this Android has picked up real momentum only in this period. When I had got my hands on N900, Android felt like really not powerful compared to Maemo. While using Maemo I felt like I am the Superman, no mobile OS gave me this feel. Maemo with the most potential of all if pushed correctly by n0kia. Maemo is the OS which really gives us the feel that we are using some kind of netbook.

Then comes Android which has really picked up this year. Surely more open than iOS and Windows Phone 7, isn't it? Open in the sense of "how" you can do things not in terms of "what" you can do. That "what" is nearly the same on most of the mobile OSs. Whatever one may say, Android is the current OS of the choice with a variety of fones from different manufacturers available. Many complain this is leading to fragmentation, but I really don't see any problem in that until the fone manufacturers support their fone properly (which they don't, eg. SE - too late in bringing up updates). Android is the OS of choice now. Much like Windows has been for the people in Desktops. [not comparing their respective market shares]

Initial releases aka iPhone OS didn't impress me. iPhone (ignore 4G) has always been a sub-par phone on specifications. Although iOS has been the OS to revolutionize the mobile market with it's "slickness", give something new to us else we would still have been stuck on Nokia 6600++++++versions still running Symbian. <rant>Now when Apple had a fone which was good on specs (iPhone 4G), you have to fu(king use a bumper</rant>

Windows Phone 7 is like the initial release of iPhone OS. It won't pick up straight away, will SURELY take atleast a year. The main difference is, we will see phones from different manufacturers. Manufacturers won't have anything to do with the working of the OS. Microsoft has made sure that Windows Phone 7 won't suffer any kind of fragmentation. Really depends on what kind of use you are. Some are/will be happy with it, some are/will be not.

Edit: Just for the note, Android has been out there since only two years.
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Rockin g33k
Lets put it this way, I would rather play PSP games in my phone than check how my xbox friends are doing over their live account or check the number of trophies i have. Oh am sure you have a few UNOs running around in the Xbox marketplace too. I am sure Windows 7 will improve with time and be able to play catch up with Bada in a few years time, but even considering it as a buy is blasphemy.

Maemo is the one with a great mind but an obscure body. Android is a 21st century professional with above-average skills and a personality to carry itself off anytime-anywhere. Windows7 is a madman running naked on the streets shouting "I am Gay I am GAy".

The main reason why most manufacturers wont be pushing hard with Windows7 is the lack of customizability. With Win7 you get the same thing everywhere without any distinction. A sammy would look the same as an HTC or an SE. Here, the distinction would only be made by hardware specs and customer service which IMO is a huge drawback.
The thing about Android is the plethora of options it brings to the table. Different manufacturers have different hardware and customizations fro which you can choose your pick or just put your hands up and pick out a google experience or a nexus One. Everything, though not as well programmed as Maemo is extremely well organised thus giving the normal user a myriad of features in an easy to look interface. And thats the reason Androids going to stay, not some copy-ios-strategy-and-we-will-sell idiocy. Win7 would have done commendably if it had been launched at the same time or before Android. No one wants a BMW with a 200cc engine when you can get a honda with a 2500cc engine at less the price. The days of bling bling are over. Functionality is here to stay.


Bond, Desi Bond!
hahaha. yes. There is no innovation required from manufacturers for developing a winpho7 device. And iOS will be in minority like OS X once MeeGo picks up pace. Having it only on one device will does no good given how widespread android devices are. Soon, it will be ignored. Come 2012, the world will speak only about meego, android and winpho 7 (maybe symbian too).


Amongst the OS, the best is Maemo imho. But that doesn't mean N900 is the best phone out there. A N900 with a capacitative touchscreen, less bulk, better battery, nice twitter app would have been a killer phone.

Now the next best OS is Android! And I love my SGS! :)

Please don't get me started about Symbian. I have been a Symbian user for so many years now but have finally given up hope of any improvement on Symbian.


Bond, Desi Bond!
Amongst the OS, the best is Maemo imho. But that doesn't mean N900 is the best phone out there. A N900 with a capacitative touchscreen, less bulk, better battery, nice twitter app would have been a killer phone.

Now the next best OS is Android! And I love my SGS! :)

Please don't get me started about Symbian. I have been a Symbian user for so many years now but have finally given up hope of any improvement on Symbian.

totally agree with you. If N900 was a bit more slim and had capacitive touch, it would've been a much much better phone (though it still is awesome)
That is exactly what I pointed out in my N900 review. The only complaints I have are the resistive screen, bulkiness, lack of apps and no multi-touch.


Bad to the bone
IMO N900 is the Harley-Davidson of mobile phones!

You can love it or hate it but you can definitely not discount its merits. N900 is the closest that you can get to a full fledged handheld computer. People who think multitasking is not important have not experienced it! Multitasking is what that makes a device from good to great. By running one program at a time even Samsung Guru can be a freaking speed demon :lol:. Run 5 flash videos at a time and then let us sit & talk!

But I guess that is not important to most people here. They are happy with what those Steve(s) do it for them. Sorry but thats not good enough for me. No one tells me what I should & shouldn't do with my phone. Having said that my loyalties are equally divided between Maemo and Android. I feel both compliment each other. Both are equally good in what they do.
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