Android 4.0 SDK Now Available


God of Mistakes...
Android 4.0 Platform

API Level: 14

Android 4.0 is a major platform release that adds a variety of new features for users and app developers. Besides all the new features and APIs discussed below, Android 4.0 is an important platform release because it brings the extensive set of APIs and Holographic themes from Android 3.x to smaller screens. As an app developer, you now have a single platform and unified API framework that enables you to develop and publish your application with a single APK that provides an optimized user experience for handsets, tablets, and more, when running the same version of Android—Android 4.0 (API level 14) or greater.

The Android 4.0 platform is available as a downloadable component for the Android SDK so you can begin developing and testing your applications on Android 4.0 with the Android emulator. The downloadable platform includes an Android library and system image, as well as a set of emulator skins and more. The downloadable platform does not include any external libraries.

To start developing or testing against Android 4.0, use the Android SDK Manager to download the platform into your SDK. For more information, see Adding SDK Components. If you are new to Android, download the SDK Starter Package first.

Reminder: If you've already published an Android application, please test your application on Android 4.0 as soon as possible to be sure your application provides the best experience possible on the latest Android-powered devices.
For a high-level overview of the new user and developer features in Android 4.0, see the Platform Highlights.

Source - Android 4.0 Platform | Android Developers


In the zone
Google has improved the UI in ICS a great deal. You will now be able to do stuff using better, simpler and intuitive gestures. Company has also included an all new typeface called Robota and it is optimized for high-resolution
Android 4.0 for Users - Features & Screenshots |


Super Moderator
Staff member
well, tbh Google also creates disasters like Google+, Wave and Buzz when they're serious. :p

Disasters not literally.


Me too waiting for the source.
How many android dev are here. I'm too learning and need some advices/


God of Mistakes...
For those who are waiting for the source code, here is a nice discussion going on about Open Sourcing the ICS source code - GPL source code for the 4.0 / r14 SDK - Android Building | Google Groups


For those who are waiting for the source code, here is a nice discussion going on about Open Sourcing the ICS source code - GPL source code for the 4.0 / r14 SDK - Android Building | Google Groups
It's confirmed, it is coming.


Simply a DIGITian
Staff member
Hey as I formatted my Ubuntu, I lost my old SDK, so I downloaded it newly, and installed 4.0 platform and other needed packages.

But surprisingly, ./android GUI has changed, now I'm not able to find how to create AVD without installing Eclipse and ADT.
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