An open letter to Steve Ballmer

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Dear Steve,

Hi, this is François, from Mandriva.

I’m sure we are way too small for you to have heard of us. You know, we are one of these Linux company who is working hard to make its place in the market. We publish a Linux Distro, called Mandriva Linux. Mandriva Linux 2008, our last edition, has a pretty good review and we’re proud of it. You should try it, I’m sure you’d like it. We also happen to be one of the Linux companies that did not sign an agreement with your company (nobody’s perfect)

Read On

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* Teh Flirt King *
What a stupid letter... What a stupidity...

I was rotfl when I read that letter...
Is it some kind of joke?


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^dude microsoft hijacked a nigerian gov pc deal from mandriva to provide Linux.Microsoft is infact wrong.Mandriva is a small Linux co & distro which is catching up due to its userfriendliness:
svn said:
A few days ago I was going to write up how French Linux distributor Mandriva had signed up a deal to deliver 17,000 Intel-powered Classmate PCs with a customized version of Mandriva Linux 2007, built on Mandriva Flash technology, to Nigerian schoolchildren. It wasn't a big deal, but it was still one more small step forward for Linux desktops.

In the canned quote from Nyimbi Odero, CEO of the Technology Support Center in Nigeria, Odero said, "The Technology Support Center and Mandriva working together provide high-quality open-source solutions to facilitate technology adoption, knowledge-based economic empowerment [and] technology diffusion in some of the most remote and underserved areas of Africa."

Yay Linux, end of story, and on to the next tale about the Classmate or its rival, the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child). Except that wasn't the end of the story. Mandriva's small win for itself and Linux desktop lasted less than 24 hours.

François Bancilhon, Mandriva's CEO, explained what happened in an open letter to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. "We recently closed a deal with the Nigerian Government. Maybe you heard about it, Steve. They were looking for an affordable hardware+software solution for their schools. The initial batch was 17,000 machines. We had a good deal to respond to their need: the Classmate PC from Intel, with a customized Mandriva Linux solution. We presented the solution to the local government, they liked the machine, they liked our system, they liked what we offered them, especially the fact that it was open, and that we could customize it for their country and so on."

Then, Microsoft got involved and tried for the deal. Microsoft lost. Hey, it happens. That's business. Even Microsoft doesn't win them all.

"We actually closed the deal, we took the order, we qualified the software, we got the machine shipped. To conclude, we did our job. And, the machines are being delivered right now," Bancilhon said.

"Now, we hear a different story from the customer: 'We shall pay for the Mandriva Software as agreed, but we shall replace it by Windows afterward.'"

Can you think of any good reason for the Nigerian government officials involved to do this? I can't. Unless, perhaps, a couple of them are now driving refurbished Mercedes -- these are always fashionable with corrupt Nigerian government officials.

Bancilhon continued, "Wow! I'm impressed, Steve! What have you done to these guys to make them change their mind like this? It's quite clear to me, and it will be to everyone. How do you call what you just did, Steve? There is various names for it, I'm sure you know them."

I can think of some of those names too. I won't say them. I will note that Nigeria's business center, Lagos, is one of the most corrupt cities on the planet. Microsoft, never one to let a mere bagatelle such as the law stand in the way of doing business, fits right in.

There is one thing, though, about this Microsoft "business as usual" move that should bother even Microsoft: It's shabby.

Microsoft used to be a really big, bad company. It shafted every PC user in the United States. It recently played games with all of Europe.

But, Mandriva? A company that has had more than its fair share of troubles? A business that, in 2006, grossed just over 5.5 million Euros? Or, in other words, a company that makes about as much in a year as Microsoft does every two days?

Let's look at it another way. For Mandriva, this deal gave the company some nice PR, and, what, maybe over a million -- tops -- in income? So, rather than let it get away with this, Microsoft had to spoil the deal, not at the last minute, but after it?!

Tsk. This is petty. Really, Microsoft, I had thought better of you. Even when you skirted the law in the past, you did so in the largest possible ways. This? This is beneath you.

that is reality :-|


God of Mistakes...
WTH M$ is doing... :-(

I always thought Ballmer IS not the person who should handle M$ after Bill Gates !!

Shame on u Ballmer !! :-(


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jobs and ballmer -both are very aggressive business men.and m$ is not a charity society,they are here to thrash Linux,Mac or alternate OS companies to make world monopolized by windows and M$ dependent services.atm,neglecting mac+jobs who are still too small with M$ compared with.


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Nigerian Government Nixes Microsoft's Mandriva Block

"After trying to bribe a local supplier with a $400,000 marketing contract, Microsoft has still apparently lost out in trying to woo Nigeria's government to use Windows over Linux. Microsoft threw the money at the supplier after it chose Mandriva Linux for 17,000 laptops for school children across Nigeria. The supplier took the bait and agreed to wipe Mandriva off the machines, but now Nigeria's government has stepped in to stop the dirty deal." some hope :)


In the zone
Nigerian Scam tainted M$ deny any wrong doing!!

Everybody think Mandriva Chief crying wolf is pathetic.. A cool Ballmer may win his day.. but again spoil his party, by issuing email denial to News portal who has published the story..
Let us quote:

"Microsoft strongly believes that individuals, governments and other organisations should be free to use the software and other technologies that best meet their needs," the company said in an emailed statement.
"We believe Microsoft offers the best overall option of value, integration, interoperability and support, without complexity or added dependency on services.
"Microsoft has a strong relationship with the government in Nigeria and will continue to partner with government and industry to help meet their needs.
"Microsoft operates its business in accordance with the laws of the countries in which it operates and with international law."
such a joke apart, M$ has already digg its own grave by issuing statement “we contribute Nigeria's I.T's growth by 47%”

But when some body nominated by them,i.e, IDG services, publish their report..we don't find any such contribution.. Then where was the money??
Did Mandriva Chief lies?

According to the unamed Nigerian Officer, Microsoft was in the midst of negotiating an additional agreement with TSC(Technical software Consultant for Nigerian Government) Under the deal, Microsoft would give TSC $400,000 for "marketing activities" related to the machines - if they're converted to Windows.
It was the 'Windows marketing money' that M$ try to portrait as donated to developemnt, that force the Mandriva to quit the scene
However after the scam broke out international websites are discussing the M$ Vs mandriva move also discussed the earlier Nigerian emails Scam(when many receivers of such mails lost millions dollars which implicate M$ collaboration with Nigerian corrupt officials to hide the scam)
This force the the government agency funding 11,000 of these schoolroom PCs wants them now running Mandriva. "We are sticking with that platform," said an unnamed official with Nigeria's Universal Service Provision Fund (USPF). But he also said that the agency reserves the right to use Windows sometime down the road.

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Re: Nigerian Scam tainted M$ denied any wrong doing!!

yes.this is already "an open letter to steve ballmer" :)


In the zone
Re: Nigerian Scam tainted M$ denied any wrong doing!!

Yes I know this but if you are reading the post particularly last two lines,"We are sticking with that platform," said an unnamed official with Nigeria's Universal Service Provision Fund (USPF) it is new to me. Actually the nigerian after the international backlash, now willing to retain mandriva for the PCs purchased for that purpose.They will accommodated Windows in future purchase.. So Mandriva stay there..

Also didn't see the M$ joke of the year.' Microsoft strongly believes that individuals, governments and other organisations should be free to use the software and other technologies that best meet their needs"..

Freedom of choice ??? What is wrong with them...or perhaps Steve Ballmer already patented 'Freedom' and 'Choice' with the USA patent Office in Texas ??


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Heh!this time Linux hopefully will be used /. comments-some says that the new president of nigeria is trying to stop bribery among gov officials.
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