Amazing murder plot, a true possible Sherlock Holmes villain


Democracy is a myth
THe more I read about this man's conspiracy details, I get amazed.
Such planning and!

Bengaluru Techie, Arrested for Hoax Calls, Says He Killed Wife: Police

Gokul?s five-year plan to do away with Anuradha and Jose - Bangalore Mirror
(read in details here)
It was a plan devised so meticulously over five years that everyone believed in whatever he orchestrated - everyone, including the city police, fell for his ploys. And the plan's strategist, techie MG Gokul, almost achieved his objective of winning back and marrying his old college love Karuna (name changed to conceal her identity); in the bargain even "doing away" with his wife and easily making his ex-cop father-in-law believe in his 'innocence' while blaming his own dead daughter for being 'vicious' and of having a 'loose character'.

So, I'll just point out what he did.

Goal: to marry college time girl friend who is now married.

  1. Takes transfer to GF's city i.e. bangalore.
  2. Comes to know his wife Anuradha's extra marital affair
  3. Uses this to plot Anuradha's murder
  4. Creates two fake mail IDs
  5. One as 'baba' and another as 'asha'
  6. Anuradha trusted 'baba' and told her personal stuff
  7. In hte 'asha' id he claimed himself as astrologer
  8. From 'asha' id he (Gokul) asks Anuradha to send Anuradha and her bf's nude photo
  9. Anuradha provides
  10. Later Anuradha got instruction to drink alcohol on some yagna
  11. When she was drunk, Gokul hit her with an idol which killed her
  12. he claimed to neoghbors that she was drunk and got hit on his when could not balance
  13. informed Anuradha's parent about her extra marital affair and even showed the nude pic.
  14. chapter 1 closed
  15. Coming back to bangalore
  16. to assumed an archbishop from Goa(typical identity theft, the person did exist once but now dead)
  17. kept on mailing his(Gokul) gf to break her marriage in hte name of that archbishop
  18. mailed Saju (GF's husband) from that mail id (this didn't work)
  19. Then managed to get Saju's passport and 10th or 12th marksheet
  20. bought SIM card in Saju's name
  21. threatned a Delhi businessman demanding money
  22. called bangalore airport and threatened to blast airport and flights
  23. BUT, got caught here.

I'm amazed by his planning and execution. So much calculation but I guess he was losing hope and getting frustrated for not being able to convince his love interest.
Some hurried steps and got caught.


I'm amazed by his planning and execution. So much calculation but I guess he was losing hope and getting frustrated for not being able to convince his love interest.
Some hurried steps and got caught.

did u check if he made algorithms or DFDs for this ?


Democracy is a myth
did u check if he made algorithms or DFDs for this ?

He obviously had a documented DFD or UseCase diagram for this.

Four fake identities along with his own, and managing all of them was obviously not easy.
I doubt if he had it all in his mind.

Or a simple explanation is he's just bluffing everything.


Super Moderator
Staff member
thanks for tl;dr rhitwick.

next Mahesh Bhatt movie.

Murder 7, Jism 5.... any name would do.


Sith Lord
Staff member
You were there for a long time (or still there?)

1 year. It is my hometown. It was pleasant and calm about 20-25 years ago. Now it is in the stone age.
Don't believe because the law-keeping machinery is totally incompetent, the officials are corrupt, and the mentality of everyone involved is just kam chalao and avoid anyone asking questions. There are so many mysterious unresolved crimes.
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