All About Graphic Designing..!! [56k warning]

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Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
All About Graphic Designing..!!

Nowdays Presentation is biggest thing in the world and the best way to represent yourself is by pictures...Each site will look a lot dull if it doesn't contain any picture considering this fact I am starting this thread in this Tutorial section...I know that there are many
Adobe Photoshop/GIMP/etc. designer in this forum..please share your tutorial here...

Discuss anything from everything in this can ask for help for example... how to produce this effect...the main work of this thread is to put a person in the world of Graphic Designing..

If u have made ANY ART then u can even post that in this thread but please don't start posting like rate my art rate my art..

Rules for tutorial writer/tutorial poster:-

1. If you have made any tutorial then post that here or if u get any good tutorial in the net then post the tutorial along with the source..
2. Providing of outcome of the tutorial is necessary.
3. Use as simple language as u can use while writing the tutorial..
4. Try to prevent spelling as well as grammar mistake..
5. Please provide that the tutorial is of Photoshop/Gimp/erc. in the beginning...
6. Don't put all the steps in the tutorials. Just put the tutorial name and its effect pic...and ofcourse a link to complete tutorial.
This prevents thread to become heavy with images..!
If tutorial has short description with less steps and no images, then post the complete tutorial if any. <<<<---MOST IMPORTANT

Moderators:- Please merge all the photoshop/gimp/etc. tutorial which you whenever find in this thread....and add a poll which ask "Do you think this thread must be sticky ?" with option "Yes" and "No" I forgot to add the poll when I was creating the thread...

Photo to Cartoon Tutorial (GIMP):-

1. Open the image u want to convert to Cartoon.
2. Click on Layer -> Duplicate Layer.
3. Select the new Layer.
4. Click on Filters -> Edge-Detect -> Edge
5. Select Sobel
6. Amount should be 2.0
7. Black should be checked.
8. Click on Layers-> Colors -> Invert
9. Open Layers Dialog -> Change the Layer Mode to Divide.
10. See the result and Enjoy...

Experiment with Layer mode settings to get more cool results.

Source : Myself (Krazzy Warrior)

Outcome Of This Tutorial:-
Mahendra Singh Dhoni







Lolz Text effect (GIMP):-


Read continued here..Source

Reflection Filter(GIMP):-


This filter could help you save some time for those web 2.0 reflection effects.

This script was written by otavio.

How to install : Download the file attached below unzip the file gimp-reflection.scm and place it in your gimp scripts directory (C:\Program Files\GIMP\2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts).

How to Use : You will find the filter under Filters > Decor > Reflection


Chewing Gum Text (Photoshop Tutorial)
Here’s a tutorial to create some chewing gum like text.

Step 1: Create a new document, white background, any size. Type some text with the Horizontal type Tool with the colour #03C2FA

Step 2: Go to your blending options: Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options. Select Gradient Overlay.

Step 3: Then add an Outer Glow

Step 4: Select the text by holding down Ctrl and clicking on the Text Layer.

Step 5: Then Select your Rectangular Marquee Tool and by holding down Alt, drag over the bottom half to deselect it.

Step 6: While the top half of the text is selected, create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Then, Press D and then X to set your foreground colour to White.

Step 7: Select the Gradient Tool. Set the Gradient Picker to “foreground to transparent� and the gradient type as Linear. Then press Shift and drag from top of the text, to 75% of the WHOLE TEXT, slightly below the selection.

Step 8: Change the opacity of the New Layer to about 70%. That’s all!



Create Spirographs (Photoshop):-

In this video tutorial you'll learn how to create Spirographs using Actions and Paths in Photoshop.
You will be creating this:


Link: *
Format: Flash(swf)
Size: 320kb(approx)
Download offline: Link

Colourful Glowing Text Effect (GIMP):-


Read Here
Creating Reflection (GIMP):-

Read On.Source.
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Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

* free Photoshop filters

* GIMP installer for Windows (14.2 MB)
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Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

Light Effect:-


Read Here...

Guys keep this thread updating whenever u write tutorial or find any tutorial...*

@beta testing..

Next time I prefer u to post download button * instead of posting link...
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Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!


Useful Thing to do with Paths (GIMP):-


In this tutorial, we will focus on how to change selections to paths and paths to selections, and more importantly, why we care about doing so.
Let’s start with a 250×250 and a white background. Now use the lasso selection tool to carve out a part of the image. The edge you are creating could be the edge of a piece of torn paper.
Now create a new transparent layer and call it paper. Use it and fill in the selected region with a light blue (#4a7bf6).
At this point, we want to save the selection. After all, it’s a bit complicated and would be hard to reproduce. Who knows, we might need it down the road. To save the selection, use the select menu and hit “To Path”.
Hmm. What happened? Nothing? Well, it might seem that way, but we’ve successfully saved the selection to a path. To see it, open up the path dialog from the dialog menu. You should see our new path listed.
Let’s turn back now to our image and clear the selection, (Select > None). As you can see, we still have some work to do here. First, let’s put in a drop shadow. Create a new layer and place it under the paper. I’ll call it shadow. We’re going to need the selection again, so we’ll grab it from the path. Pull up the path dialog and select the path that represents our paper (it’s probably the only one there). Once highlighted, press on the button at the bottom that looks like a selection. This is the “Path to Selection” button. Going back to our image, we can select the shadow layer and fill it with black. From there, well, you know the drill. Use a Gaussian blur to get a drop shadow. I used a radius of 15px.
We’ve made some progress, but there’s still a little magic left we need to work. Let’s try to soften up the edge of the paper. To do this, I want to coat the edge with a lighter shade of blue. I would like to achieve something like this…
To do this, we’ll use our path again. If you take another look at the path dialog, you’ll see a button with a brush on it. That is what we want, “Stroke Path”. Again, with our path select, hit this button. It will bring up a window which will allow us to select a tool that will be applied to your path. In essence, this means that the tool will be applied to the path. Select “Stroke with a paint tool” and grab the paintbrush from the list of options.
We’re almost there, but before we stroke the path, we need to make sure the paint tool is set properly. Bring up Gimp’s toolbox and select the paint brush. Here’s where we’ll make some changes.
The color I used was a lighter shade of blue (#b2c7fd) and a custom round brush with a radius of 2px and a hardness of 50%. If you’re not sure how to edit a brush, you might “brush up” on that and look at See Stars by Editing Your Brushes. Once you have the color and brush set, go back to the stroke path dialog and press stroke.
I hope you agree that paths aren’t as complicated as some might have you believe. You can work with them and they can save you some time and effort.

Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

^^ Thanks

Till now I used to consider path tool as waste but after reading/posting the above (previous post) i came to know that it is of lots of use...:D

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

I was never banned from this forum. I changed my user title to this one because I like it!!!!
Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

so plz change me i get irritated by that even i pmed Goobimama (mod) asking why he was is because u r my friend...btw do u like all tut that i am posting...btw edit ur post and put that download button..

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

^^Changed my user title. Also edited my post.
I really like this thread and will try to post some tuts after the exams are over....

BTW, have your exams started? If not, when do they start?
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Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

Ok thanks.....nice download button...let me create my own button for download...making..btw is that download button made by u:confused:

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

Nope... Too lazy and quite busy right now. Here's a link to the download button- *

The film grain effect

Adding the film grain effect to an image in GIMP.....


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Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

^gr8...keep it up...

Animated Sparkling Eyes:-


^^its gr8...see for a while..

Source and read on...
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 Macboy
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

Woah. You trying to embarrass me with that chewing gum text tutorial? :|
Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Amazing Fire Effect In Photoshop

Amazing Fire Effect In Photoshop:-


Source and Read Continued Here @ *

6. Don't put all the steps in the tutorials. Just put the tutorial name and its effect pic...and ofcourse a link to complete tutorial.
This prevents thread to become heavy with images..!
If tutorial has short description with less steps and no images, then post the complete tutorial if any. <<<<---MOST IMPORTANT

^^ 1st post updated for tutorial writer/poster
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Staff member
Re: Graphics Designing Tutorials...!!

Just my 2 cents of advice to any one who is trying GIMPing.

Exploit these tools to your intelligence:
Path Tool
Air Brush Tool
Blur Tool
Smudge Tool
Dodge Tool

I know your first reaction will be that these tools are just basic, but believe me you can use them to do things they are not supposed to be ever used for.
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