Airtel GPRS

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Hi guys,
Just a few days ago i saw that Airtel Mobile Office costs rs.600 per month and gives unlimited data usage. But now airtel has changed the plans!!.I live in Chennai.

Take a look for urself: *

This sucks!!



In the zone
in pune ,,150 pm.......unlimited ul /dl..good connectivity..stable connection up to 3-4 hrs...sometime u will face frequent disconnections
and u will get speed 25-35 kbps....

i dont think there willl separate prices for gprs and edge its same thing..BECOZ,,,,EDGE (also known as EGPRS)

i used airtel 6021..edge enabled cell phone.,,,for 6 months. and lot of time i DLded ...200-300 mb autopatches .games..with the help of d managers


Broken In
One of my friend from pune has quoted that in Pune the rates of Airtel gprs is 150/-! Is it true ! well I contacted the custumer cell only to learn it is 11.90 close to 12 rupees for day in prepaid, kindly confirm and let me also know the facts!


Broken In
vysakh said:
here its 250 pm. unlimited usage. EDGE supported. you'll get speeds ~30kBps

What is your location? And for edge do the usual dial up works or something else is required, can you guide me on some good handset for edge?


~Bulletproof Monk~
i surf free on airtel live download free songs
connect to my pc freely hahahah
cost 0 bucks for unlimited data

crack ur head keep wanderin


In the zone
@ mkmkmk
edge and gprs are not the same.....their charges are diffrent ... for airtel....the gprs charge is rs 99 unlimited and edge(mobile office) charge is rs 600 unlimited..


Wise Old Owl
^^^ you are talking about NOP , NOP cost Rs.99 and you cant access net from PC.....
and EDGE and GPRS charges are same.... guarantee 8)


sai_cool said:
Hi guys,
Just a few days ago i saw that Airtel Mobile Office costs rs.600 per month and gives unlimited data usage. But now airtel has changed the plans!!.I live in Chennai.

Take a look for urself: *

This sucks!!


Shift to BSNL. As far as Chennai is concerned, BSNL's EDGE networks are far better than Airtel's. I'm using Airtel prepaid in which it is Rs.375pm for MO. Dad is using BSNL's unlimited internet for just Rs.199pm. He is getting speeds 5 times faster than mine. I am also going to change from the following month. After all, why pay 175pm extra for slower speeds.


Can any REGULAR CELLONE EDGE user confirm the speeds he is getting also during Daytime/Nighttime..!!

coz then only we can confirm over which one is looking for the cellone reviews since quite a long time...?


Cyborg Agent

Gettin speed of 40-55kbps during day as well as nite time.

Will write a review soon... BTW cellone gprs doesnt face prb wit rapidshare at all n download begins instantly n sometimes even without d countdown timer!!!


Dipen01 said:
Can any REGULAR CELLONE EDGE user confirm the speeds he is getting also during Daytime/Nighttime..!!

coz then only we can confirm over which one is looking for the cellone reviews since quite a long time...?

I use the CellOne connection only during the nights because that's when dad's phone is at home. I get around 70-100 kbps in the nights. Dad says during the day also the speed is good. But I can't confirm how good.


@Akshay , deepakchan :- u ppl just gave me a solid ATTACK..

is it Kbps i.e Download speed or kbps ....

if its download speed..i have a spare BSNL prepaid card..!! i am tranfering rite NOW.. Plus ur in pune...
so there cant be any problem like u get better speeds and i wont.!!

which cell are u using btw..?

EDIT:- Just called BSNL CC....Damn they are chargin 2ps/kb for Prepaid Customer...Thats too bad :( hav 1000+ unused balance on BSNL card..thought could use it the best if this way...
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