Adobe wants Ninite to stop rolling out crapware-free Flash


Sep 22, 2012
Not cool, Adobe: Give the Ninite guys a job, not the middle finger ? The Register

Adobe wants the ability to easily roll out Flash updates removed from Ninite, the sysadmin Swiss army knife. I'm going to explain why this is a terrible thing.

First, though, I would like to discuss the real-world practical uses of products such as Ninite. Ninite is used by systems administrators and ordinary folk alike to install common third-party software. Far more importantly, Ninite and its ilk are used to ensure that these applications are kept up-to-date.


Adobe's products are a security nightmare. Reader, Flash and Air are - alongside Oracle's Java browser plugin - the screen door through which the raw unfiltered sewage of the internet oozes into the homes of netizens. These products are awful, the security is worse and the management of them over the years beggars belief.