ACER 4530 Review

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thats the buffer size in BIOS and not the share memory...



see the screenshots above..

256 is dedicated.. its written .. and the Dxdiag panel also shows full RAM ..

also please check out acer india site.. they have written in the config that 256 is dedicated and there is no version 9100M G which does not have dedicated..

and for the TK-55 57 proccy thing the same lappy comes with that processor and 4 gb RAM too.. :)
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The Researcher
Moreover now they are giving any of the following three gifts namely vodafone usb internet card, extternal hard disk drive and canon printer. This offer is valid only between 13th december 2008 to 1st january 2009. It is web based redemmption. No details are available regarding printer, hard drive etc. see here *


Red till Death..
Can anyone tell me what is the Core clock speed, Shader clock and Memory Clock for the geforce 9100 M G in this laptop? REPLY ASAP!


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
shantanu said:
800mhz ram is for 900/- per GB Kingston/Transcend and yes its dedicated i checked in Nvidia control panel system information.. yes it supports 800Mhz..
I wanted to know about 2GB 800MHz stick? According to you, till when will the prices keep reducing? Or stay almost stagnant like DDR1 has been for last 2 years or so.


the prices will drop after 15th jan as told by the dealer to me.. 800Mhz(2GB) is now for Rs. 1870/- at my place.. i dunno about other cities :D


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
^ Actually I mean to ask this.

During a product's active phase, it's price reduces with time. But after a period the Price no longer reduces. When do you think will DDR2 RAM hit that stagnant* phase? Your opinion.
* stagnant => like DDR1 is nowadays.


DDR3 will be common in mid 09.. so i think in march or april.. the prices will get stagnant..
something ::: DDR 3 cheapest chip is now out : it costs Rs. 3300/- for 1 GB :D the prices dropped today in 2009.. :D i just got the update.. the chipset is Dynet PRo.. the cheapest DDR2 maker.. :p


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
^ You said you had indications that hardware prices will reduce after 15 Jan or so. Does that apply to all hardware? CPU, Mobo, GFx Card? Laptops as well?


Red till Death..
U told before that u have run Windows 7 on hows the performance in it?? And any idea about how much difference there is in the gaming performance in windows 7 and vista?? And do all the drivers which work in vista work in Windows 7 too?!?


The Devil's Advocate
U told before that u have run Windows 7 on hows the performance in it?? And any idea about how much difference there is in the gaming performance in windows 7 and vista?? And do all the drivers which work in vista work in Windows 7 too?!?
There is a considerable difference in gaming FPS & yes, Vista drivers work on 7.


i have already mentioned the windows score on first page.. and yeah windows 7 provides awesome performance..


Red till Death..
sure man.. i am running GTAIV on it.. its okay on medium high settings.. giving almost 22 fps..

I cant digest the fact that u r running GTA IV !!! on this laptop!!!! and that too as you say on med-high graphics!!! IMPOSSIBLE MAN!! do u know that the processor of this laptop is slower than many of the new intel processors like T7250,T5800 etc. !?!?!? also the geforce 9100M G stands nowhere compared to Geforce 9600 or 9800 which struggle hard to play GTA IV on even med!!! ??? :confused:
GTA IV as people say is a very CPU intensive game! moreover the GPU aint powerful enuff....
Is it that u r thinkin that GTA:san andreas is GTA IV?!?! :rolleyes:
Please clarify...
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kid dont act that smart.. i aint a fool, i am playing the GTA series from GTA II even tried GTA I :D it was 2d cartoonish.. leave it.. but i said about GTAIV not SA ...and nothing is impossible .. live search or google on the tweaks people are using for the game.. i used them all and if you forgot.. the game remains same even if you go to highest of the settings.. :)

i have a 9600GT with me & a 4850 both give me same FPS i have the Screenshots posted in the GTA game discussion thread.. see them and next time make your facts right..


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
^ So how should GTA IV work on 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo Macbook with 2GB 1066MHz DDR3 and Geforce 9400m with 256 MB dedicated? Good enough? I wanted to play at native settings.

I mean native resolution, 1280x800 on my MacBook.
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Red till Death..
Man!! Do u get pissed off so easily?! ? :D:cool:
And first u need to get YOUR facts right....ur tellin everyone that this laptop of yours has got dedicated memory...jus go to the acer india website and get your facts right! Heres the link for you btw...i think u might have gone to the acer US site...:lol:
* 4530&cid=11
Can u read the word integrated here?!?! No mention of Dedicated anywhere!! And u've been tellin that its written on the acer india website that its dedicated! :razz:
and Mr. shantanu ...can u plz post the screenshots along with fraps ..for gta iv runnin on ur acer 4530?!~?! Coz the screenshots u;ve posted on that gta iv thread are on a higher card..judging from the fps ur getting....


Right off the assembly line
Well, ankit, looks like u are sure to gonna buy this lappy now.. it looks promising to me too... :)

btw, wait for teh CQ50 review (in ur thread).. :)

Hi Shantanu,
How come u can pla GTA 4 in ur acer 4530?
I have 4gb ram and having lots of logs when i'm playing GTA 4 and Saints Row2? the game is running so slow even in medium setting.
I use XP 64bit and windows 7 64bit OS. 4gb ram is not detectable with a 32bit OS.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
abhishelsohal said:
Can u read the word integrated here?!?! No mention of Dedicated anywhere!!
Integrated cards can have dedicated memory.

Perhaps you forgot to mention the graphics card you have. Or are you on integrated?
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