A weird problem

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well i have a problem with my windows xp system
i am using internet thorogh some isp that provides net via lan cables!
so any ways, when i leave the computer on for a very long time the net often gets disconnected and the only way to enable the net again is the disable the lan connection and then enable it again (i know this cause its has worked some times)
however if the computer has remained idle for a very long time and i try to disable the lan connection the computer restarts automatically..i have called up the isp and there is nothing like auto disconnect after sometime.. (i can also confirm this cause this rarely happens when im using the comp, even for a long time)

Does any1 have a clue as to why this is happening ? and what can be done to rectify this ??


Check the hardware properties of the LAN card - there will be a Power tab, see if there is check mark on Turning off device to save power - it should be unchecked...

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