A Better MP$ player b/w the two??

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Broken In
Hi.My name is Kiran.I want to buy an MP4 player which should be 8gb or more,decent music quality and good video quality,loudspeaker and within 4000rs.Now I found Transcend MP860 8gb(white) player to be good.Nice features and memory expandable is cool.So i wanted to buy this but had doubts on its video quality and its performance.So how is the player??Is it good enough for the price and suits my Needs??.Some adviced me to go for Samsung YP-Q which costs same.but lacks few features.Because of its brand and hopefully performance,it seems a nice option but my likes are on Transcend for its loudspeaker & mem exp.So what should i do??


Reviewerus Prolificus
If you want only good quality music playback, go with the SS. If you're looking for features go with the Transcend. Samsung will offer less features for the same price, though I've found their build quality and performance to be good.
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