4chan takes down RIAA, MPAA sites


The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) fell victim to the wrath of 4chan members this weekend. A series of coordinated DDoS attacks against the media trade groups' websites temporarily brought them to their knees.
4chan is the well known source of many popular internet memes - including "Rickrolling"and "lolcats." But users of the public image board and internet discussion forum have also been accused of launching website attacks against many popular sites, including YouTube and Twitter.rtedly in retaliation for DDoS attacks launched against file-sharing site "The Pirate Bay" by Indian-based software firm Aiplex Software, at the behest of the MPAA and RIAA.

RIAA, MPAA Websites Pummeled By 4chan?s Wrath - PCWorld
New 4chan DDoS Targets Hated Anti-Piracy Law Firm | TorrentFreak